12 Things We Should Learn From Children

12 Things We Should Learn From Children

Children have the ability to infect us with their illusions, their will to live, their joy, their way of adapting to changes with ease. They are the impulse to live, the desire to know, and the greatest example of daily fun.

We have a lot to learn from them, and we should even go back to being children in a few moments. So, next, we’re going to share 12 things we should all learn from children.

Small as it is, it teaches me so many things

“No matter how small, my son, you teach me so many things. It makes me feel like the world is so much prettier, more fun and interesting and less complicated than I sometimes think. You are what makes me feel how important it is to laugh at any nonsense. I know your love is sincere, unmasked, as are your amusing words that sometimes don’t make sense, but at the same time make all the sense in the world.

You teach me to see everything with new eyes, with transparent and sincere eyes that are not yet contaminated by the conventionalisms and clichés of the society that binds us. With you just everything is different, new, unexpected, wonderful! You love without reservations, live the moment intensely as if it were the last, and all this makes me feel new, alive, renewed.”

What can we learn from children

12 things we should learn from children

1. dream

Don’t stop dreaming and creating expectations like a child because of a new job, a new love or new friendships, or even for the little things of everyday life or for your achievements.

Dreams and motivation are the engine that drives us to reach our goals in life. Do not forget that.

2. Don’t be afraid of the new

It’s always better to regret what we did than what we didn’t do. Don’t allow yourself to say phrases like: “What if I had gone on that date with that person I loved so much?”, “What if I had accepted that job that scared me so much?”

Assumptions are not reality and sometimes a little risk is needed to proceed. Don’t limit yourself and move forward.

3. Have fun like a child

Leave behind prejudices or fear of what others will say, just as children do. They have fun and laugh because they’re not worried about it, they’re worried about living in the moment.

Enjoy the little things, smile to welcome the new day and add a touch of humor to your routine.

4. be curious

When we lose curiosity, it’s like we die a little inside. Be curious to learn new things, to discover new places to visit. Curiosity helps us to do more.

5. Express yourself honestly

Adults, on many occasions, are not free to speak. They are afraid or ashamed of the rejection of words, of what they can say, of being annoyed.

Also, when we always say what others want to hear, we don’t feel good inside. Free yourself and express yourself sincerely, like a child!

If we are not sincere we will also not allow others to truly know us, and we will not know ourselves.

6. Seize the moment

People say, “Enjoy the good times, the bad ones come alone.” Live, enjoy, enjoy your moments of leisure.

Often when illness knocks on our door or someone dear dies we realize many things. Perhaps we should be more aware that we are just passing through this life.

learn from happy children

7. love without fear

Why are we so afraid of love? Children love without thinking twice. They don’t think that their pet will one day die, or that childhood love will only be a memory when they grow up.

Don’t think about tomorrow and enjoy today. Love is one of the most beautiful things we can live, why are we so afraid? Afraid of suffering? Everything passes, including suffering.

8. Adapt to changes

Children are true teachers on the subject of adapting to change. They can move house, school or even country, and nothing happens.

So if we are the adults, what could happen? Changes always renew and enrich our lives.

9. Don’t be afraid to fall, you’ll get up soon

Have you ever seen a child fall and not get up? Life is like this. Often it’s just our minds that limit us.

Phrases like “I’m not going to do this because if it doesn’t work out…” just keep us where we are, and keep us from moving forward on our path.

Drop and get up again, no problem!

10. Don’t care so much about the opinions of others

We pay too much attention to the opinions of those around us. But what do you want? Listen to your heart and act as you wish.

11. Ask without fear and without shame

What’s the matter with asking? Do you think you’ll look silly if you ask a question? None of this, it’s exactly the opposite. Asking shows humility and a willingness to learn.

12. Rest, do not force the machine

Children go to sleep when they are tired. Not getting enough rest causes us to fall into a chronic stress that doesn’t let us live on many occasions. Breathe and rest to replenish your strength.

Conclusion: become a child again and cling to your dreams! How to manage to do this? Having a child always close to you!

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