Monthly Archives: May 2024

9 Psychology Books You Shouldn’t Miss

9 Psychology Books You Shouldn’t Miss

The genre of psychology, also known as self-help, is one of the most in demand today. Controlling our emotions and understanding our way of functioning internally is essential to lead a full life, so a psychology book is an excellent tool for knowledge and personal growth. There are several subjects and …

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Social Intelligence, Learn To Connect With Others

Social Intelligence, Learn To Connect With Others

As we talked about Physical Intelligence before, today we will talk about Social Intelligence. Remember that there are many types of intelligences. The exercise proposed in this article will provide great benefits, which will help you achieve everything you want. what is social intelligence When we talk about intelligence, we …

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Smile, It Confuses People

Smile, It Confuses People

The writer Fyodor Dostoevsky states in his book “The Teenager” that if we want to know someone’s true soul, we should pay attention to their laughter. A smile, like hands and feet, are the most revealing traits of a person. One day someone can laugh and show their soul in …

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Home Garden: Much More Than Fashion

Home Garden: Much More Than Fashion

More and more people are rediscovering the pleasure of farming, of seeing seedlings grow in small beds. Taking care of these plants and seeing how they offer us fruit also nourishes our hope. It’s a common image these days. Many people started to dedicate themselves to a vegetable garden at …

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Celebrate Your Emotions

Celebrate Your Emotions

Happiness It is a positive feeling that appears when we reach a goal or a goal, when we have a pleasant experience or when we manage to reduce our discomfort. – Under the influence of joy, we can bring to mind happy memories. It works like an engine that moves …

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Albino People: Beyond Physical Appearance

Albino People: Beyond Physical Appearance

For albino people, being different is not easy. This hereditary metabolic alteration is characterized by the absence of pigmentation (melanin) in the skin, hair and eyes, accompanied by an even more striking dimension: discrimination. In some countries in Africa, for example, being albino means living in a terrifying reality. Due …

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