Monthly Archives: June 2024

Fear Of Shining

Fear Of Shining

One of the great paradoxes of human beings is that of wanting to be special and, at the same time, being afraid to shine. Who doesn’t want to be recognized and admired? We all have a need for others to see our virtues. And it’s an advantage if, in addition …

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Why Is Physical Punishment On Children A Mistake?

Why Is Physical Punishment On Children A Mistake?

If we followed the phrase of the wise George Washington Carver, who said that “education is the key that unlocks the golden door of freedom” , we could reach the conclusion that physical punishment, which is usually added to the deprivation of freedom itself, are a huge mistake. Still, physical …

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5 Characteristics Associated With Childhood Trauma

5 Characteristics Associated With Childhood Trauma

Childhood is a decisive stage in life. The physical and psychological impressions that remain at this stage of life leave permanent marks on the brain. Therefore, childhood traumas completely characterize the personality and its influence extends over time. This is not to say that they cannot be overcome or, in …

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The Three Emotional Mistakes That Limit Happiness

The Three Emotional Mistakes That Limit Happiness

Well-being, like inner balance, is not something that changes on its own. Emotions affect the quality of life and influence our decisions and choices. Thus, it is important to know the emotional mistakes that limit our happiness in order to start fighting them. Daniel Goleman himself said, in his book …

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