5 Characteristics Of A Practical Person

5 Characteristics Of A Practical Person

Among the characteristics of a practical person is the fact that he concentrates on carrying out concrete actions, which tend to achieve clearly useful goals and with a more or less immediate response. For those who think and act in this way, anything that does not show an apparent advantage with little risk is not interesting and has no value.

For a practical person, the process doesn’t matter so much, nor the method. What matters most is the result. If this result shows benefits, it is likely that the means to achieve it are justified. In this line of thought, for these people the abstract world of ideas, emotions and values ​​does not make much sense. They just think: if it works, that’s right. If not, you need to explore the process further to see what happened.

At first, it might seem like a practical person is someone without scruples, but that’s not quite the case. Simply, for them, what brings concrete results is more valuable than speculation or intentions. Somehow these people fear them because they know they can just stay in the words, without actually resulting in specific facts.

People with a practical bent make very relevant contributions, especially in times of difficulty or crisis. There are many situations in which what matters is acting, not speculating or theorizing. If someone suffers a heart attack, or a company goes downhill, what you should do is act. That’s when a practical person shows his full potential. This type of person also tends to have other interesting characteristics, such as the following:

Man's body with forest and starry sky

The characteristics of a practical person

1. Are realistic

If there’s one thing a practical person has, it’s a very well-established sense of reality. They easily capture the essentials of a situation or a person. On this basis, they define how their plans fit together and act, not getting lost in detail.

More than looking at how things could be, they are concerned with seeing how they really are. This becomes the substrate of their way of acting. They can be rough, or sometimes a little thick, but they definitely have their feet well on the ground. Ideals and perfect worlds are not spaces they dare to enter.

2. Are decided

When a person is practical, he sets well-defined goals and pursues them. It is hardly seen doubting, speculating or hesitating. Of course, they can also be reflexive, but they easily separate ideas and turn them into actions. They would rather test in reality than reflect through mind games.

All of this makes them very determined people. They don’t like to beat around the bush or compromise. As we’ve already said, they prefer to assess the validity of their goals and projects in reality, not in thought. They are able to change direction when reality shows them that they are on the wrong path because they feel little attachment to form or manner compared to what they feel for their purpose.

man trying to reach light bulb

3. Take risks

Visualizing, measuring, probing and considering risks in great detail is not something that appeals to a practical person. They understand that any circumstance implies ups and downs. However, that doesn’t stop them.

This type of person is focused on results. They know that getting to a point requires taking risks and being willing to make mistakes. This does not cause these people to lose sleep. They believe that there is always another way to get to the same point. So they do n’t back down when they face the possibility of failure.

4. Don’t depend on praise or criticism

There is nothing less practical than living for the approval of others. To achieve a gesture of acceptance, there are people who are willing to go out of their way or take positions that go against their own thoughts. That doesn’t happen to a practical person.

On the contrary, people with a practical outlook on life are aware that every action is subject to criticism. However, they do not depend on others to approve or disapprove of their idea to act. In that sense, they don’t spend a lot of energy trying to please others.

Inked hand trying to catch balloon

5. Know how to prioritize: work with hierarchies and stick to them

Practical people are people of action. But for an action to be correct, it must respond to a minimum order and a defined criterion. In particular, a chain of actions leads to the achievement of good results when you know how to distinguish between what is important and what is accessory.

Knowing how to prioritize is exactly having good criteria to classify the actions that deserve more attention. And also those that must be done first to make the others possible or easier. Practical thinking is good at prioritizing and following such an order.

You will hardly find a person who is totally practical or totally speculative. Most of us have characteristics of one profile or another and apply them differently in different situations. Each of these perspectives is very valuable and brings different benefits. They are complementary and not exclusive. In any case, the truth is that it is good for everyone to cultivate a little of this practical side, especially when facing difficulties that require an immediate solution.

Have you identified with any of these characteristics of a practical person?

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