6 Most Common Negative Habits In Relationships

6 Most Common Negative Habits In Relationships

A loving relationship is built with time, love and good management of many habits that start to emerge in the day to day, between both members.

When we spend time going out with our partner, the lack of attention to our habits can be very harmful to the relationship, because without our being aware we can justify ourselves without looking for a solution. A couple is like a garden that needs to be cultivated over time.

It is good to bear in mind, if we want to treat this issue in a balanced way, that each couple has its own characteristics within the relationship, as well as its own form of communication.

Below, we list the most common habits in love relationships that, over time, contribute to their deterioration and stagnation.

What are the most common negative habits in relationships?

1. Talking only about work and studies

The beginning of love relationships generates novelty and enthusiasm talking about anything. During the first few months everything is new, but it is true that as we get to know our partner more and more, we start to get carried away by mechanical questions, simply relying on our daily lives as something routine.

To maintain health within a relationship, it is important not to let conversations be reduced to topics such as work and studies. If that happens, the day will come when we won’t have anything to talk about, because these matters will end.

It is important to maintain curiosity and willingness to learn, at this point as important and vital as communication between human beings.

2. Forget important dates

It is very easy to forget birthdays of a family member or simply an event that our partner would like to participate with us. If we start to “unintentionally” forget dates with some important connotation to the other person, we may show a lack of interest and negligence on our part, gradually wearing out the relationship, until we reach the point where we don’t feel comfortable sharing something most.

Note the dates in a calendar or on your cell phone; this might be a good option.

3. End the compliments

We all like, to a greater or lesser degree, to receive compliments, to hear that we are okay, that we are great people, and so on. These comments could be small details, but they are essential to keep the spark of a relationship alive.

One of the most determining and harmful sensations that we can experience in a relationship as a couple is to make the other understand that we are no longer interested in their physical appearance or their way of being and, consequently, lead the person to lose the illusion of taking care of themselves.

4. Neglecting our look

A habit that we tend to leave behind, as we no longer find it necessary over time, is taking care of our physical appearance. If we are single, we tend to take much more care of everything that has to do with our image, but if we have already found our half of the orange, little by little the “not having the need” to attract other people will reduce this point.

When we talk about being aware of this habit, we are not referring to having to overdo it. We can simply demonstrate to our partner that we are still trying to get their attention.

It’s not that we need to look after our looks just for others, we just keep liking ourselves. Because, if you don’t even like yourself… how are you going to know how to deal with what others say about you?

 5. Putting other people in front

Our partner proposes a grand plan and we say in response that we don’t like the idea; however, shortly thereafter, a friend proposes something very similar to us and we say yes. Persisting in this habit wears down the feeling and devalues ​​our partner, as it can put the relationship in jeopardy, due to lack of interest or simply because priorities no longer match the type of relationship we are having with the person we care about .

6. Talk less

This is one of the most subtle habits and one that is often among the most ignored. Furthermore, it ends up being quite complicated to change it, as many do not recognize or accept it as a “problem”.

If, little by little, you talk less and the conversations are reduced, it can mean losing the sincere ability to communicate. Over time, it can be replaced by distrust, disagreements and arguments. This set will lead to a gap in communication between them, which can be very harmful to the relationship.

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