7 Great Phrases By Pablo Picasso

7 Great Phrases By Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso’s phrases are a real gift for the mind and spirit. Undoubtedly, the talent of this wonderful painter is not only reflected in his pictorial work, but also in these impressive aphorisms that continue to amaze us.

One of the most interesting aspects of Pablo Picasso’s sentences is that many of them remind us that art and life are two expressions of the same thing. He was a great artist who taught us to look beyond what we see.

Picasso was loved and hated. Admiring and defamed. No one, however, questioned his talent. Nor its commitment to democratic causes and creativity as the maximum expression of the human.

These are 7 of Pablo Picasso’s ingenious phrases, which entered posterity and reflect his exceptional spirit.

1. The learning path

Pablo Picasso’s sentences often involve a kind of paradox. As seen below: “I am always doing what I can’t do, in order to learn how to do it”. It’s a brilliant way to get to the essence of learning.

It is true that progress is made by doing better and better what we already know how to do. But the real evolution lies in facing what is beyond our control. What we don’t have under control, but which promises to transform us when mastered.

woman torn between two worlds

2. Creation and destruction

Creativity and creation play a fundamental role in Pablo Picasso’s phrases. After all, he was an artist and his basic working tool was his imagination. That is, the ability to take a new reality out of nothing.

Picasso gives us a hint to understand this process: “Every act of creation is, above all, an act of destruction”. It means that to make room for the new it is necessary to do away with the old. Just doing this gives rise to a new reality.

3. One of Pablo Picasso’s phrases about rules

Contrary to what many people might think, Picasso was not an enemy of standards and rules, including in painting. What this great artist sought was to transcend all these parameters, not ignore them.

On this subject, one of the phrases of Pablo Picasso says: “Learn the rules like a professional so that you can break them like an artist”. It’s a beautiful statement that epitomizes the process of true creativity.

Optical illusion

4. Common sense: an obstacle?

Picasso stated: “The main enemy of creativity is common sense.” He refers to the fact that common sense is based on an evident logic, on what we might call a norm of reason that seems indisputable.

However, creativity is born exactly when breaking with the basic logic to arrive at a more complex logic. If we stay at the elementary level of logic, that is, common sense, we can hardly invent a new path.

5. About inspiration

This is one of the phrases by Pablo Picasso that are most quoted out there: “Inspiration exists, but it needs to find you working”. With this statement, he resolves an old argument over whether the muse existed or not. Whether the artwork is based on inspiration or not.

Finally, Picasso warns that there is, indeed, a kind of epiphany. A revelation that gives rise to creativity. But the only way this imaginative force emerges is through constant, hard work.

6. Copy and steal

Of course, total creativity doesn’t exist. This means that no one can create something that is completely disconnected from what others did before or simultaneously. Absolute originality is impossible.

It is for this reason that Picasso stated: “Bad artists copy. Good artists steal”. It sounds contradictory, but it isn’t. Copying is simply imitating. On the other hand, what Picasso calls “stealing” is appropriating, that is, printing a personal seal on another’s work, so that it no longer belongs to the person who created it initially.

Child and cat walking a tightrope

7. The child and the adult

We leave for the end one of the most profound and moving phrases by Pablo Picasso. It goes like this: “The first half of life is learning to be an adult; the second half is learning to be a child”.

The artist refers to the achievement of maturity and autonomy that can take half a human life to materialize. However, this achievement must be used for a new purpose: to go back to being a child, because childhood is perhaps the best paradigm of creativity without awareness. The adult who becomes a child again is aware of what he can create.

Pablo Picasso is one of those masters we never stop learning from. His work is configured through his paintings and his thoughts. It opens horizons, inspires and motivates. It leads us to see that the world is much more than these appearances that we are faced with on a daily basis and that, in most cases, are meaningless.

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