7 Ideas You Must Abandon To Be Happy

7 Ideas You Must Abandon To Be Happy

Achieving happiness is a common trait that defines us as human beings. However, it is common to come across an enemy that stands in the way of being happy: ourselves; because of the limitations we set ourselves, intentionally or unintentionally.

Many people cling to certain ideas with the assurance that this is what they need to be happy, when in fact it only restricts their ability to achieve true happiness. In fact, the first problem is the definition of what is “to be happy”, since, as described by James E. Talmage, one of the biggest problems that man today has is recognizing the difference between happiness and pleasure.

Letting go of the chains to be happy

Considering the current way of life, being happy does not imply doing more or achieving more. In fact, it is necessary to let go, stop doing and forget certain rules of behavior. In the era of freedoms, we are still tied to a multitude of invisible chains that do not allow us to be ourselves.


Letting go of those chains and letting those ideas go can bring us closer to what we consider happiness than anything else. Are the following:

Stop looking for approval from others

Start thinking about what you expect and don’t rely on others’ opinions. Don’t let others manipulate your decisions or organize your life. Live by your values. If you depend on the opinion of others, you’re doing things for them in their best interests.

Abandon anger and resentment

Anger and resentment devour you from within. It is you who punishes yourself and who is unhappy, which carries the damage caused by the other. Learn to be at peace with those who hurt you. With forgiveness, you are the one with relief. The one who upsets you is the one who controls you. Regain control by letting go of resentment, forgiving.

“Life gets easier when we learn to accept an apology that was never given.”
-Robert Braul-

I decided to be happy

abandon the idea of ​​perfection

Aiming for perfection in certain respects is very commendable, at least speaking in spiritual terms. Loving and valuing perfection is also an appreciable thing. But living by and for perfection is quite another thing. Stop thinking about the perfect body, the perfect partner, the perfect life, the perfect things. The constant search for perfection can obsess and slow you down, preventing you from moving forward.

Abandon the idea of ​​wealth and fortune as synonymous with happiness

Surely you’ve heard that money doesn’t bring happiness. There are many people who, to justify their unhappiness, still add that “maybe not, but it helps”. But actually, what makes them unhappy is not having found the meaning of their existence. Money and happiness have nothing to do with each other. It is the way of valuing what you have and what you live that approaches happiness or not, whether you have possessions or not.

stop making excuses

Don’t make excuses. If something is not going well, do something. If you need something you don’t have, do what you have to to get it. If what you are looking for is not within your reach, look for another alternative.

Think, if you felt like doing something or learning something, why wait to get started?! If you don’t like something, change it. And if you can’t change it, change yourself. Do you look for results? So, what are you waiting for?


abandon stubbornness

Don’t be stubborn and admit your mistakes, wrong thoughts and attitudes once and for all. Insisting will not give you reason. Correcting and admitting your faults will not make you weaker. The less stubborn and stubborn you are, the more open you are to positive change and the more flexible you are to face problems.

ditch your emotional backpack

Carrying negative feelings of past demands will only make it harder to move forward. Stop living in the past. Learn, forgive and move on to be happy. Carrying the pain will keep you from seeing all the opportunities that come your way and will cause you to misjudge people who come your way.

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