7 Secrets For Not Wasting Your Time

7 Secrets For Not Wasting Your Time

Wasting time is something that happens to everyone. The day ends and we don’t know how time passed so quickly. Maybe we didn’t get far enough in some task that we were supposed to be doing, or maybe we weren’t able to complete several activities we had planned. Or perhaps, frankly, between one thing and another, we haven’t done anything.

We also sometimes wonder why it took us so long to do something that shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. It’s as if the time was shortened or the task extended in an incomprehensible way. In the end, time turns out to be a variable that is out of control, at least in parts.

Not planning things well makes us waste time. It is valuable time that we soon lack to be up to date with our tasks or, simply, to have more free moments. With the large amount of stimuli to which we are exposed, it ends up being difficult to draw a plan of activities and carry them out to the letter. But it’s not impossible either. Here we present some strategies for you to be able to do this.

Punctuality: an antidote to not wasting time

It all starts there, with punctuality. If you arrive late, or start late, you introduce a clutter factor into the task at hand. You start everything with a little chaos. It starts a chain of actions that will lead to an anarchic or poorly thought-out order.

crow over clock

Punctuality does not only apply to the beginning of activities, but also to their completion. You have to be as scrupulous about starting work as you are about finishing. The same should happen with breaks. Starting with respecting this time frame will go a long way towards meeting deadlines and enjoying the benefits of a good organization.

Prioritize is key

The prioritization of tasks is a fundamental factor for achieving the time goal. There are several criteria for doing this. The common thing is to give priority to the most urgent and leave the least urgent for later. That way, at the end of the journey, if you can’t do everything, at least advance what is most relevant.

Another way of prioritizing that can be very suitable is to organize tasks from the most complex to the simplest. As you begin the journey, your mind is freer and you have a good reserve of energy. This provides greater efficiency. You are in the ideal state to do the most difficult. Simple will require less, so you don’t need to be at 100% of your capabilities.

Do it step by step, simplifying

This advice is especially useful for people who have great difficulty organizing themselves. It is simply a matter of breaking each task into smaller parts and following them sequentially, not simultaneously. In addition, this strategy provides a positive sense of achievement and helps to better distribute energy and time.

how not to waste time

The best way to keep time from consuming is to do one task at a time. You’ve certainly experienced this feeling. Trying to do everything at once and, in the end, not being able to do anything. Everything gets started, but halfway through. We are not able to focus on any of the tasks we have started and the stress increases because the number of mistakes increases when trying to do things with divided attention.

Know your own pace

It’s always important to get to know yourself better. Work is no exception. That’s why it’s important to watch yourself for a while to be able to determine how long it takes you to accomplish a specific task. Direct your focus to those that are an essential part of your work.

Don’t just measure the amount of time you spend. It’s also good to see what your attitude is towards these tasks and which aspects are the easiest or most difficult to develop. The data that you can extract from this information will allow you to better understand your pace and the time it takes to accomplish a certain task. In this way, you can set yourself realistic goals to get even better.

Use technology to your advantage

One of the biggest mistakes of contemporary times is being more busy with the cell phone than with what should be done at work. In some cases it’s not that serious. Just propose to check your messages only at certain times and that’s it. You eliminate this interfering factor in your work.

people hanging in front of the sun

If the behavior is compulsive, that is, if no matter how hard you try you still can’t take your attention away from your cell phone or any other similar device, you will need to take measures that increase the cost of the behavior and become a much bigger obstacle than yours. will. For example, swapping your current cell phone for one that only allows you to make calls, turn off your cell phone, or leave it at home.

learn to disconnect

This relates to punctuality and the ability to meet schedules. Outside your working hours, cut your connection to it. This gesture is a sign of respect for your own time, and so you take care of your physical and mental health.

Don’t take work home. It is essential to differentiate personal space and work space. It is recommended to have an e-mail account for work and another for private matters and never let messages mix up. The ideal is to learn to completely disconnect from work when not working.

Make the most of your free time

Your job may be tiring. It’s possible that when you leave work, you just want to throw yourself on the couch and watch television, “without thinking about anything.” Or want to sleep to replenish the energies that have been expended. However, you may not feel like you really rested after doing this.

man holding terrestrial globe

Rest is not the time to do these simple activities, but ones you hate. But you shouldn’t be passive either. Ideally, your rest is really pleasant, creative and emotional. It’s better to spend time with your family, with the people you care about. Chatting with them, going for a walk, or having a relaxing hobby. You will see that the tired feeling really goes away.

Time is a unit of measure that we give to life. It’s life itself, and that’s why it’s so valuable. Wasting time causes negative thoughts and feelings. Thoughts of incompetence, sense of worthlessness. So try to replace those habits that look like a black hole of time, which you neither produce nor enjoy. Worth trying.

Images courtesy of Lev Kaplan, Elith Smicht

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