9 Psychology Books You Shouldn’t Miss

9 Psychology Books You Shouldn’t Miss

The genre of psychology, also known as self-help, is one of the most in demand today. Controlling our emotions and understanding our way of functioning internally is essential to lead a full life, so a psychology book is an excellent tool for knowledge and personal growth.

There are several subjects and areas that psychology books involve and that can be of great help to us. It all depends on where we are and what area of ​​our life we ​​want to develop or face…

Today we bring you the 9 psychology books that we recommend here in A Mente é Maravilhosa and that we consider the most influential.

1. The art of embittering life – Paul Watzlawick

It is a short psychology book, written in a very simple language and full of jokes about those wrong attitudes we have in our daily lives that keep us from being happy. Without a doubt, one of the most recommended psychology books for all audiences.

Furthermore, it is a book that helps us to recognize our personal style in different situations, offering the opportunity to discover how we, people, create with our mental mechanisms a miserable and unhappy reality. A real opportunity to get to know yourself.

The best psychology books

2. The art of not embittering life – Rafael Santandreu

This is the book from which we extract the quote made at the beginning. We do not know if the author created this book after reading the previous one that we present here, but the reality is that both deal with the same theme, albeit in a very different way.

In this psychology book, Santandreu, one of Spain’s leading psychologists, speaks from his expanded experience of what behaviors and attitudes are most dangerous to mental health and how they can damage our quality of life.

3. Emotional intelligence – Daniel Goleman

It is a book that was written a long time ago, yet it remains of high educational value. It is highly recommended and is a reference for many psychologists today. In this book, the author brilliantly analyzes the relationship between thought and emotion.

Furthermore, Daniel Goleman offers us the possibility of knowing what Emotional Intelligence is, how we can promote it and why it is there. It is a highly regarded psychology book that helps us to better understand ourselves and those around us.

4. Your Weaknesses – Wayne Dyer

It’s the same as with the previous book: despite having been written many years ago, it remains a reference for many psychologists today. The book teaches us the wrong behaviors that keep us from being happy  and provides practical tools to generate positive change.

In fact, it ‘s a very practical psychology book because it offers exercises to do in each chapter that allow you to identify what your irrational beliefs are and how we sometimes complicate our lives through worry, guilt, or the need for approval from others. , Among other things.

Improving attitude, learning to establish healthy relationships and knowing the basics of mental health are some of the subjects on which we most seek information.

5. Love or depend? – Walter Laughter

This is one of the most recommended psychology books for people who want to understand the basis for establishing positive interpersonal relationships based on healthy love, not addiction.

Loving or Depending gives us the right tools to make love and love relationships full and satisfying experiences, overcoming emotional dependence and contributing with an adequate knowledge about love bonds.

6. The man who mistook his wife for a hat – Oliver Sacks

This is a very atypical psychology book that tries to bring the reader closer to the pathologies that can be found in a psychological consultation, and how they affect patients. He does this by narrating 20 clinical stories as if they were a novel, in a very human way.

woman wearing hat

7. Powerful Mind – Bernabé Tierno

Currently, there is a belief that we are slaves to what we think. We believe that change is not possible and that the only option is to limit ourselves to resignation. In this book, Bernabé Tierno teaches us that the mind is our best weapon  and shows how we can use it to generate positive change.

“Mighty Mind” is a psychology book in which the development of a crisis- and hardship-resistant personality is its centerpiece, unmasking the hidden mechanisms of our brain.

8. Fast and Slow: Two Ways of Thinking – Daniel Kahneman

Unexpectedly, this book was an international success. In it, the two ways or systems that control the way we think are presented, so that we can obtain the power to improve our quality of life through our thoughts.

Daniel Kahneman surprises us by showing how our brains can be unreliable, filled with biases and false and unfinished reasoning. It’s one of those psychology books that we can’t forget to read if we want to know a little more about the way we think.

9. The Power of Habits – Charles Duhigg

Habits are part of our life and also determine our well-being.  It’s important to be aware of them and change those who aren’t contributing something positive to our lives. This book is an excellent tool to achieve that result.

These are the 9 psychology books that we recommend you to read, either because you have set yourself a goal to learn more about this field, or because you want to achieve greater well-being and satisfaction with your life. We hope these proposals have been helpful.

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