Choose Something You Love And Dedicate Yourself To It

Choose Something You Love And Dedicate Yourself To It

Imagine getting up every day with enthusiasm, working with a smile on your face, wanting to go to work, earning money doing what you love and feeling professionally fulfilled.

All this is possible, you just need to find your Element and dedicate yourself to it.

What is the Element?

Ken Robinson, world expert in the development of human potential, wrote, together with Lou Arouca, a book called “The Element”. This book has changed the lives of many people, as with it they understand that they are creative and will be much happier working with what they love.

The Element is defined as the meeting point between natural aptitudes and personal inclinations.

outdoor life

Therefore, the element is defined by two characteristics and two conditions:

1- Capacity

It is the natural facility to do a certain thing. We all have this ability to do something better and faster than other people. It could be math problem solving, writing, dancing, singing or making paper airplanes.

2- Vocation

You may be very good in a certain area, but you may not enjoy working at it. To find your Element you need to do something well that you are passionate about.

When you do what you like, time passes quickly, you have fun and you feel happy.

3- Attitude

Attitude is our way of looking at things, seeing ourselves, and how the opinions or expectations of others affect us.

A benchmark for calibrating our attitude is the way we view luck. A person who does what he likes believes he is lucky, while another who has not been successful is unlucky.

4- Opportunity

What we are passionate about will not be able to manifest itself if there is no opportunity for this to happen. We may need other people with the same concerns to realize what our talents are.

What is Zone?

The zone is the deepest part of the element. Doing what we love means doing many other things that are element related.

For example, if I want to write, I need to take a course, participate in social media so people can get to know me and create a brand and personal image, and participate in events to contact potential clients or other writers, etc.

Even being within our element, there may be times when we get discouraged, we don’t know if we are on the right path or not, we are influenced by other people’s opinions and we don’t know what to do.

However, when everything works well, we live harmoniously in all areas of our life, everything falls into place and we are happy. But doing what you love is no guarantee of always being in the Zone.

When we are in the Zone we feel a sense of freedom; we are what we really want to be.

What is the Tribe?

In the search for your Element, it is essential to find people who share your passion, who understand and motivate you. These people are your Tribe.

It’s very gratifying to meet people who think the same way we do. These people help us to realize that we are not alone and that we are not crazy.

So sharing your passion with people who think and feel like you will bring you fulfillment and company.


The opinion of others

One of the issues that most influences us when we dedicate ourselves to what we love is the opinion of others, especially those closest to us.

The opinion of our parents, our spouses and friends influences us and often prevents us from fighting for our dreams.

Therefore, the difficulty to find our Element can be within ourselves and also in those close to us. They often have clear opinions about how we should be, what we should do, and what our lives should be like.

An example of this is the famous story of Paulo Coelho, who was sent by his parents to a psychiatric clinic, where they gave him electroshock because he wanted to be a writer.

There are many reasons why those close to you may try to dissuade you from achieving your dreams, but generally they act this way out of fear.

Sometimes people need to move away from family and friends to become what they want to be and fulfill their dreams.

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