What Can Dogs Teach Us About Our Problems?

What Can Dogs Teach Us About Our Problems?

There is no doubt that dogs are very endearing animals. Those who love them in a special way and share unforgettable moments with them can see the wisdom that exists in their behavior.

People, like dogs, are also animals. It is true that we can have a more complex reasoning or use a more precise language, but that does not exempt us from being inhabitants of this planet, just like them.

The problem is that human beings, especially in recent centuries, have come to believe that they are the center of the universe. This exaggerated conception of our importance as a species has, in most cases, been responsible for many disturbances, discomforts and disturbances.

The good news is that no being, whether human, dog or cat, is that important. We simply inhabit this planet, where we have been given the great privilege of living, and we are here to adapt as best we can. A behavioral, emotional and physical adaptation.

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn more from dogs. The reader may think I’m crazy, but not quite. The well-known philosopher Diogenes realized this and was nicknamed “The Dog” because he had learned to disregard the ego and himself, to be more spontaneous and insolent and, above all, to distinguish friends from enemies.

Diogenes and the dogs

Diogenes extolled the virtues of dogs and tried to imitate them, behaved like them. To get to behave in this way, he had to focus on his problems as if he really were a dog, and this helped him to better manage the importance he placed on events, both external and internal. He lived in poverty inside a barrel, he was always surrounded by his dog friends, and he took care of his needs in public.


He put into practice the ideal of being wise through countless stories : he had a solitary life, he walked naked and his house was a barrel, giving up all the comfort created by human society. He understood that he didn’t need material comfort to live.

People who nicknamed Diogenes “dog” actually wanted to insult him, but like any good dog, Diogenes didn’t care, he was proud of his qualification and used it as his emblem. He believed that this way of calling himself identified him perfectly.

Diogenes wanted to get rid of all material goods that carry the false label of “necessary” and that end up enslaving us. He decided to live in austerity, as dogs did, and realized that he could always be more humble than he already was.

Start behaving a little more like dogs

It is evident that Diogenes’ story is quite bizarre and we don’t want the reader to take it “to the letter” and start behaving in that way. However, we want the story’s message to be understood and for you to find something you can apply in your life.

happy puppy

If we reflect for a moment, we will realize that many of our emotional problems result from our self-centeredness. For example, a difficulty generated by self-centeredness that we notice in many people is the difficulty in delegating tasks; people forget that they are unique but not essential.

If you think of a dog, whether it’s your neighbor, yours, or the stray, you’ll realize that they’re only interested in what they really need: shelter from the elements, getting around, getting food and water, breeding, some kind of play and attention. He doesn’t have to be the best dog in town and do everything perfect.

We live certain options as if they were necessities: we want a good job, a good salary, a house with a pool, an attractive partner, travel, professional success, being recognized and praised. If these needs are not met, our self-esteem suffers. We feel less than others.

If we want to start living a life a little more “canine”, the first step is not to feel so important : don’t get so depressed if you don’t get recognized, don’t get angry in the face of verbal injustice or don’t compete with others so much to yourself. stand out and get applause.

The second step is to be less modest. Of course, we can’t go to the extreme of taking care of our needs in the middle of the street, but we need to show more openly how we really are. Maybe some of our flaws show up more, but it’s better to pay the price than not develop our potential.

happy nature woman

If I feel embarrassed about dressing a certain way because I think I’m thin, fat, pale, dark or whatever, we need to make the decision to dress as I want, regardless of what society imposes on us. Dogs are not ashamed of being bigger, smaller, of one color or another.

Can you imagine a dog looking at a bitch’s body wondering if she dresses fashionably? Do you think a dog would be jealous of another dog because their bed is bigger or more expensive? Obviously, they don’t care about all this.

Finally, let us be less needy. As Diogenes demonstrated, we don’t need a lot to be comfortable and happy. You who are reading this article probably have a cell phone or a computer, which means that you have already covered all your basic needs (because the cell phone and computer are not basic needs). So why aren’t you happy?

How about if we behave a little more like a dog?


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