Thank You For Being The Way You Are And For Being Where You Are

Thank You For Being The Way You Are And For Being Where You Are

Thank you for staying, for not walking away, for breaking all the rules, for not neglecting prejudices, for not succumbing to expectations, for not leaving, for not looking for excuses, for not generating sadness…

Thank you for being who you are and for taking the place you want.  Thank you because sometimes I know it’s not easy to play this role, that of a close person, with a heart of steel forged by the heat of the unforgettable.

Thanks to you, I understood that sincere affection never ends, that it is never negotiable or conditional. You taught me that where someone decides to be, it’s up to them to stay…


I’m a better person since I met him

Having you is such a great gift that I need my whole life to keep it. For this reason, since I have you, I am a better person, more complete, happier, with more desire and less  fear.

I like having someone who knows my ghosts, my fears and my demons.  I like that you know everything about me and, even so, don’t question yourself when you stay. I like that you love me when I don’t deserve it, I like that you make me understand that mistakes are part of our condition.

I like to walk by your side and hand in hand, to understand that life is not as obscure as my ghosts make me believe it is. I like to collect reasons to be a better person, knowing that you and I add grains of sand and that this is enough to change the world.


Thank you for avoiding my shipwrecks

Thank you for keeping the sadness, disillusionment, and pain from flooding me.  Thank you for giving me reasons to move forward, for opening my eyes and making me discover that each one is a world full of desires to be explored.

Thank you for forgiving my lack of punctuality, for sailing by my side, for taking me along the banks, for encouraging me to swim in the rivers of sacrifice, work and challenge. Thank you for your confidence, for making me dream, for believing that I’m able to walk along paths I never even imagined.

Thank you for telling me, without words, that there are bonds that cannot be broken, that not everything is to be used and thrown away, that it is not necessary to highlight to shine, that we are all unforgettable and that there are hugs that are capable of putting our pieces back together. .

Thank you for recognizing in me the smiles of pain, for knowing that I’m not well, for understanding me, for offering me warmth, for giving me your oxygen, for making me revive, for not suffocating me, for not demanding of me, for not intoxicate me.


The Importance of Meaningful Relationships

There are people who just become our favorite corners, places we can always go back to.  With them, we live moments full of love, understanding and confidentiality.

In other words, there are people who become psychological air, because they allow us to breathe and fill our lungs with authenticity. These relationships help us to sustain ourselves, to mark our course and to understand the way.

It is fortunate that we can feed on permanence, self-love and common interests. Everything is easier when you spend part of your life together, when you know that around the corner there will be someone waiting for you, when you know you are dear and deserving of love.

Because meaningful relationships are those that have the perfect words for each moment, that realize the amount of kisses we lack, that know the value of reciprocity and gratitude, that leave room for the essence, that mark the North, that smell from home, which are close…

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