

I’m grateful for my house, because even though it’s small, it’s where I’ve had my deserved and good sleep, hot baths on cold days and food in times of satisfying hunger. I’ve lived in it for some time and even if I go, I will always remember the days when I could live here.

I am grateful for the life of my son, who in his youth  has been mine from day one. Full of qualities, he has to go his own way to learn the same things I learned. And when I get here, at the moment I’m here, we’ll meet as great friends, full of stories to tell, in the affinities of the paths covered.

I feel grateful for my work, where I live with so many people and learn every day. The art of the profession and the art of life. Living day to day under pressure and with differences, exercising tolerance to accept the other and all kinds of situations. I am grateful for the resilience gained. I’m grateful for everything I get for this.

Gratitude to God

I feel grateful for my friends, who, even far away, never forget me.

I am grateful for my colleagues, who, when needed, are always ready to help me.

I feel grateful for the difficult people in my life and that I finally have gratitude for it. I am grateful to understand how much they teach me and how much they are also learning. Each on their own path of evolution.

I feel grateful even for those who hurt me, because they are the ones hurting me today and not the other way around. And I’m grateful not to judge those who despise my pain.

I’m grateful for my family, that I have people I can call my own. I feel grateful for everything they did to me, because I grew up with everything. And I’m grateful that everyone is here, available in case of any call for help.

I am grateful for my health, which even with some fatigue and excesses, is still here.

I feel grateful for life, which even with so many pains and stumbling blocks, still gives me moments of pleasure, love and gratitude.

I’m grateful for the air I breathe, the light that blinds me and the cold that bothers me. I am grateful that I sometimes burn my tongue and hear the horns on a busy day. I am grateful for the good functioning of my senses.

gratitude in your home

I feel grateful for feeling lonely at times, because it shows me the ability to want to love, even after some failures.

I am grateful that I am so often confused, sad, or angry. All these feelings provoke me reflections and take me away from where I am, always taking me to a better place.

I am grateful for my ability to write since I was a child and for the invaluable pleasure it gives me. I am grateful for my books. And for all inspiration.

I am grateful to finally feel this way and realize the power of gratitude, which always brings me more of what I need and want.

I’m grateful for the ability to smile, even when something hurts inside me.

I am grateful to realize the miracle of life, which one day takes and another day comes back. One day it makes me confused and the next it surprises me.

I feel grateful for wanting more and continuing to dream. I’m grateful to continue the walk, even though I’m not sure where it’s going to lead.

I feel grateful for who I am today.

And I’m grateful that I just feel that way!

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