Change Is Needed!

Change Is Needed!

Changes are part of life. Go to a new city, decide to pursue an international career, change profession, marital status, job, house, life.

There are the desired changes and also the unforeseen ones. Regardless of the way it is, new situations lead us to seek different forms of adaptation and give us the opportunity to expand our experiences and mature.

Sometimes the will to change exists, it is legitimate, but the individual finds himself paralyzed in the face of the transformations he wants to carry out.

This is very common throughout the therapeutic process. As the subject begins to get to know himself better, he gains autonomy and is willing to reformulate some areas of life for the better.

However, leaving a known state to reach a new one brings with it challenging aspects.

Along with the desire for change, there are also feelings of fear and insecurity. Is it worth it? Wonder if I can make it? These questions are natural and it is important to be aware to avoid possible boycotts and thus achieve the desired changes.

change life

Will, courage and strategy to change

The urge to change is important as it serves as a motivator and encourager to take the necessary actions. For this, it is essential to have good planning. Reflecting, pondering, creating strategies and deadlines is essential to achieve what we want.

Some aspects of this process deserve special attention. Below are some of them:

– Every change leads to some kind of loss. You have to put this in perspective. To live in a new city, for example, it is necessary to lose the comfort of the familiar environment. Losses are natural and positive to some extent, they are part of the movement of life and are necessary so that new situations can actually happen.

change course

– As much as there is planning and action strategies, as much as there is will, there is an essential element to make the transition from the old situation to the new one: Courage! This ability to face challenges is essential to pave the way and get where it is needed. Courage together with the faith that change is the best way forward is what sustains the journey. When we let go of the safe situation and are building a new one, the doubts tend to arise intensely: Did I do it right? Will I handle it? This is because the new situation is taking shape, it is not yet possible to bear fruit, it is necessary to invest time, energy and wait with courage and faith.

– Changing must meet the desire to take the subject to a reality more consistent with what brings meaning to their life and, consequently, more satisfaction and joy, but this does not mean that there will be no difficulties. Problems will always exist, what changes is the person’s emotional condition. When a choice is made towards a new situation and the change is implemented, the feeling of accomplishment brings contentment and the person tends to become more tolerant in the face of adversity and more capable of overcoming their own challenges.

The essence of each one of us

I once read a sentence that caught my attention and it fits right in this moment: “It’s important not to lose sight of the things that delight you, because there’s a little of your essence there”

The more we distance ourselves from what delights us in terms of what is purely convenient, the more life loses its meaning. Sometimes we don’t notice this distance, and when we do, we are very far from what brings us joy. At that moment the seed of a transformation is planted and it is important to look at it with courage and assess whether it is time to initiate a transition, with all the challenges and satisfactions that this change will bring.

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