7 Psychological Techniques That Help You Lose Weight

7 Psychological Techniques That Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is a matter of concern for a multitude of people. Our society has taken on the task of deifying physical appearance and converting it into a personal value when, in reality, it is not, since we cannot demonstrate that anyone is superior or inferior to anyone for the simple fact of having a more or less “beautiful” physique. ”.

This constant concern to fit into established patterns and thus gain acceptance from our surroundings is partly responsible for several psychological disorders that revolve around an ideal appearance, such as anorexia and bulimia.

Overweight almost always hides an emotional problem, and it is in these cases that food is intended to be the bandage that temporarily covers problems that we do not know how to manage in any other way. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate cognitive, emotional and behavioral techniques that help us to control ourselves.

Forget about miraculous methods that are almost always restrictive, as you will only be able to spend money and become discouraged when you realize that you are not getting results, or that you are doing harm to your health.

The only way to lose weight is to follow an individualized diet designed by a professional, complemented by a good physical exercise routine. The simplest, however, is also the most complicated. Want to know how to get it? The truth is that as we follow this path, psychology can help us.

running woman

Lose weight with the help of psychology

Psychology is a discipline that can offer us several techniques aimed at achieving greater control of our impulses. Overweight is often a consequence of an impulsive way of acting that leads us to attack the pantry, or the lack of an adequate organization that allows us to exercise frequently.

Furthermore, when we see that our weight has increased than normal, our morals become resentful, and we abandon ourselves even more to our own fate, to our impulses.

To break this circle, the first step is to be prepared for action. That is, being clear about what you want to change and being willing to use all your energies to achieve it. It won’t be easy or fast, but you will feel enormously fulfilled when you reach your goal.

smaller dishes

We often eat and eat until the plate is finished simply because it is full, but maybe we weren’t even hungry. It sounds obvious, but if you want to lose weight, you need to move away from the huge dishes you keep in the kitchen and buy smaller dishes. This way, you can only serve the amount of food that suits the container.

You can repeat it later. However, having to go into the kitchen, get back to serving yourself, and eat a second course will make you think a lot more before you do.

go to the market with a full stomach

If you go to the market and shop hungry, it is very likely that you will end up buying high-calorie foods, such as cakes, chocolates, industrialized sweets, etc. It’s best to shop right after eating and being full so that it’s our brain, not our stomach, that guides us. Likewise, if we can avoid having these types of unhealthy foods at home, it will be much easier not to fall into temptation.


No low-calorie diets

While it’s not recommended to buy high-calorie foods, it’s also not a good idea to stick to a low-calorie diet that makes you hungry. If you don’t get satiated after meals, it’s very likely that you’ll fall into a binge, and even more likely that this binge leads you to eat high-calorie foods. So eat healthily, but don’t get hungry.

Tolerance of emotions

Food is often a way to cover up our negative emotions. They are both negative and positive reinforcement, which makes every time we feel bad, we resort to the fridge or pantry. This way the emotion descends and we feel better.

The problem is that this improvement only lasts for a moment and then leads to guilt. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to tolerate emotions, to embrace them as part of ourselves, and not try to run away from them by passing them to the stomach and digesting them with guilt.

eat six meals a day

The idea is not to get hungry and overdo it to compensate. Just as it’s not recommended to go on a low-calorie diet, it’s also not ideal to eat a few times a day, as we can get into the habit of snacking all day. It is best to eat six well-established meals in such a way that there are no holes left in which hunger can creep in and temptations appear.

There are no prohibited foods

Everything that is forbidden ends up becoming desirable, so we shouldn’t cut out any food completely. This does not mean that we have carte blanche to eat it whenever we want, but we can allow ourselves to ingest it at least once a week. In this way, we will kill the will and it will no longer be so appetizing.

rational thoughts about food

Many of the foods that our taste buds and our brains like best are the least healthy. A good strategy is to maintain a rational inner dialogue with ourselves about the foods we select for consumption.


For example, if you want to eat a sandwich with some meat embedded in it, it can send the message to your brain that this is an unhealthy food, made from poor quality meat, mixed with sugar, that will only provide momentary pleasure. . Do you still want to eat it?

Along with these strategies, there should never be an hour of daily physical exercise, good hydration, a quality social circle, and strength to face problems, seeking functional solutions. If we are able to integrate these techniques into our daily lives, sooner than we think what seems very difficult today will eventually become a habit, and you will be able to lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off.

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