The Perfect Mother Doesn’t Exist, But There Are A Million Ways To Be A Good Mother

The Perfect Mother Doesn’t Exist, But There Are A Million Ways To Be A Good Mother

Sometimes it’s very hard to become a mother

Yes, it’s worth it. Yes, it is the most powerful experience a woman can have. Yes, nothing will mark you as much as the moment when you finally hold your child in your arms, deliciously dirty, wet, warm, straight out of you… and he looks into your eyes as if to say: I know you.

But it’s hard.

And it’s not just about the lack of sleep, the after-effects of childbirth, the care that a newborn requires (so small and so demanding!), not even the cocktail of hormones that makes us turbulent until several weeks later.

Nor the lack of experience and uncertainty about whether you are doing things right or not, nor the very doubts and comments of well-meaning family members who do nothing but trigger their own insecurity, their fear.

There are a million ways to be a good mother

It’s looking at yourself in the mirror, while the little creature is attached to your chest, and not recognizing yourself. At what point did you turn into this weird woman who doesn’t even have a minute to take a shower? Who is she? Who are you now?

Because, of course, your whole being is now someone else’s. And this other being is now feeding on you, not only your milk, but also your caresses, your songs, your words, your warmth.  And time passes, naturally passes.

There are a million ways to be a good mother

There will come a time when, almost without realizing it, feedings will decrease and the hours of night sleep will increase. Your baby will learn to lift his head, to walk around in the crib, to crawl.

When you least expect it, he’ll smile and you’ll think all the effort was small. One day he will call her Mommy. You’ll see him running in the park, climbing the slide, playing with other children, drawing the first letters – which he will proudly show. And, for nothing in this world, you’ll want to change this for what you were before, and you didn’t even know what love was…”

Source: Vivian Watson Molina, A New Maternity

Because this is just the beginning…

Whether we are mothers or children, we can understand that, just as there is no being in this world that does not make mistakes, there is no prototype of a perfect mother.  A mother is a woman with her imperfections and her insecurities, but with a great responsibility that she will carry out as best she can.

A woman, since becoming a mother, has  the greatest privilege in the world: that of infinite love. A mother who loves her children will always make mistakes, but her love will serve as an impetus for the fruit of her womb to do its best.

A mother’s heart increases  daily since she had the pleasure of seeing her child lift his head, sit, smile, or crawl. Because from the very first look at her belly, a mother falls in love unconditionally for life.

Because a mother is  a  bigger version of herself and her heart is an infinite universe. Despite her mistakes bringing her closer to a real-world mother, she is the most divine being on the planet.

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