Life’s Beautiful Journey – When It’s Worth It!

Life’s Beautiful Journey – When It’s Worth It!

When we begin any journey in life, we are loaded, full of the superfluous. Everything is baggage and it’s hard to carry so much weight.

So you take steps, small and decisive so that everything goes as expected, not always what is expected, but even so you decide to stay firmly on your route.

Some people start giving up on the way and that’s not bad, maybe that’s not their way and giving up is the right thing to do, but this is your way, because you felt it in your heart, so you give more one step in thinking about the here and now, you place yourself in the moment, without looking up, there to the top of the mountain.

Even in fits and starts, you want to enjoy every step, every look you meet, every sound of nature, every movement happening, because you have a certainty: every moment is unique and as painful and sad as it seems, it contains something magical in its ephemeral seconds, it holds the magic and beauty of living, learning, growing.

Undertaking in the presence of fear and love

In any area of ​​our life that we are going to undertake, whether personal, professional, spiritual, we are accompanied by two feelings: fear and love. We fear monsters, some that we create and others that can actually happen, we even feel a certain paralysis, but then love comes in, that genuine feeling that transforms us into who we really are and drives us to live this story we want to create to tell in the wheels of Christmas when we finally reach the final path of life, the story we’re going to take to our grandchildren.

For love we face storms and the most hidden fears, those that even you didn’t know existed inside, because it is love, because it is love, because it represents love, fear becomes just: fear.

Nothing else. When you feel like you’re about to drop everything out of fear, put a generous dose of love into the situation and you’ll feel courage welling up. A key phrase used in A Course in Miracles says that – Where there is love, there is no fear. There is no room for both, so embrace your fears with love and have the courage to keep going.

Life is duality: at one moment you are in pure ecstasy, you are sure of everything and you are dominated by an energy that drives the will to achieve, to create new paths and set new goals, at other times you are overcome by discouragement and everything what he thinks is to drop all his luggage there, in the middle of the way, to sit down and not take another step.

It’s at these times that you need to find a way to reverse the energy, so it’s always good to carry a mantra with you, something like: Everything will be all right! Or Everything passes, it’s just a phase! And still try: I want, I can, I can! These phrases of power and impact that we repeat often can adjust and reverse heavy energy, because they synchronize feeling with thought and that is where we are able to reverse disastrous situations.

If you are starting a journey, think about it. Don’t stay focused on graduation 4 years from now, don’t plan the wedding on your first day of dating, and don’t gobble up that dish that you’ve been waiting for almost an hour.

Enjoy every look, experience the moment, enjoy the sound, the smell, the taste. Look at the present situation, what you are learning and living now, this is the key to being whole and balanced. It is a daily task, it is a habit that needs to be incorporated into the process and it is a challenge to be able to remain in the present, even because we are too temporal, we live in search of rescuing the past or yearning for the future, but being present body and soul in the gift is what makes life worth living.

Take a journey, plan what you want, but focus on the present, just so you’ll know the sound that was playing that moment when you first saw that look. Tune in!

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