4 Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

4 Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

There are exercises to prevent scoliosis that can be combined with braces or surgery. In this article, we are going to suggest some of the exercises for prevention. If done well, you can realign your spine, rib cage, shoulders, and pelvis to achieve a normal posture. However, you will need to talk to your doctor first if symptoms are very severe.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that usually occurs during the period of growth prior to puberty, especially when growth is faster. It can affect any part of the spine, but the most common regions are found at the level of the chest and lower back.

Introduction to Scoliosis

Scoliosis usually appears in children. In most cases, treatment is not necessary as the curve is corrected with growth. However, depending on the degree of curvature of the spine and the age at which it appears, a combination of braces and physical therapy may sometimes be recommended. 


A very small number of patients with scoliosis need surgery. This only happens in the most severe cases. Complications of scoliosis include chronic pain, respiratory failure, and decreased exercise capacity. 

Some studies consider that specific exercises should not be considered as an alternative to orthopedic braces or surgery. Rather, exercises should be understood as a therapeutic intervention, which can be performed on its own or in combination with another type of intervention.

Benefits of exercising for prevention

Since exercise is not an alternative to surgery, why perform these prevention exercises? As the name implies, the first function is to avoid future complications. Thus, the following benefits can be achieved:

  • Reduction in the need for surgery or invasive orthosis;
  • Stabilization and reduction of the existing curvature;
  • Delay in the progression of scoliosis;
  • Improved brain and muscle coordination;
  • Decrease in spinal curvature.

4 exercises to prevent scoliosis

Next, you’ll discover four of the best exercises to prevent scoliosis. If they are performed frequently, you will see a reduction in symptoms.

1- The board

There are several ways to do this exercise, but all of them will help to strengthen your abdomen. However, recommended for beginners is the version that requires weight bearing on the forearms and toes.

The procedure is as follows: lying on your stomach, you should suspend your entire body with your forearms and toes. Raise your stomach and legs so they don’t touch the floor. Then contract your abdomen and hold this position for a minute while you breathe deeply. Then take a break for a minute. Repeat the procedure three times.

Remember that your body must be completely straight and parallel to the floor. You should not bend your knees, and be careful not to strain your back.

woman doing exercises

2- Bird/dog

It is one of the best exercises to prevent scoliosis. To perform this you will need a yoga ball to support your belly. Lying on the ball, you should suspend your body with your toes.

Then you need to lift your left leg and right hand up. Hold for 3 seconds and lower. Then lift your right leg and left hand up. Again, hold this position for 3 seconds and return to the starting position. You must do 10 reps on each side.

Remember to stabilize your body with the balance ball so you don’t fall over or get injured. This will help to strengthen both your back and your trunk’s stabilizing muscles.

3- Triceps lifting

The triceps lift will help work the muscles that provide support for the torso. Free weights are best suited for this exercise, but if you still have very weak arms, you can also use a machine.

Sit on a yoga ball with your legs apart in line with your shoulders. Take a weight in your right hand and lift it above your head. Then raise your right hand with your left hand. Now bend your right elbow and press your right forearm down behind your back. Then, lift your right forearm up and exhale as you lower it into the resting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then do it with your other hand.

Maintaining proper breathing is extremely important. Remember to inhale as you perform each elbow push and exhale as you lower your hand.

4- The position of the tree

This yoga position is perfect for preventing and treating scoliosis. To begin this exercise, you should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rest your body on your right foot and bend your left knee. Hold your left knee with both hands.

Then place your left foot on the inside of your right thigh. Bring your palms together and raise them above your head, keeping your balance on your right leg. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You must repeat this exercise 5 times.

The exercises we describe here will help prevent the most severe symptoms of scoliosis. However, if your back pain gets worse, it is recommended that you see your doctor. He will tell you the best way to treat the disease.

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