How To Get Respect From Others?

How To Get Respect From Others?

You can’t earn respect from others if you don’t have a clear idea of ​​what respect is. It is easier to understand what this value means if we bring to our consciousness memories, amidst examples, in which it manifests itself. In this sense, we respect someone when we recognize him as an equal and accept him as he is.

This means that any conduct designed to belittle the other is a lack of respect. As is any action designed to reject, deny or nullify what you think or feel. It is possible not to share, or not to agree with it. But from there trying to devalue or change it, there is a big difference.

You can’t get respect from others if you don’t respect yourself first. This means that you must perceive yourself as equal to others in terms of value. In other words, feeling neither more nor less than anyone else. Also, of course, accept yourself.

tree trunk houses

What do you need to get others to respect you?

Acceptance and self-worth are expressed through attitudes and actions. It’s not an abstract reality, and you don’t have to say it to let others know that this is what you feel. Those who respect themselves have three qualities: self-esteem, assertiveness and authenticity.

Self-esteem, if we want to define it simply, is having a good opinion of yourself. It has very little to do with narcissism. It’s about feeling sympathy for what you think, say, and do, without thinking that you’re better than others. As special as only you are and as equal as any human being.

Assertiveness, on the other hand, is about being able to defend your rights and express your opinions. It is especially important when we are surrounded by an unfavorable context in which we think the opposite of what the majority or the authority figure thinks. On the other hand, this attribute is a direct child of self-esteem and a necessary condition for gaining respect from others.

Also, authenticity refers to keeping our essence, values ​​and beliefs, even if selfishly is not best for us in that situation. That is, expressing what we think and what we feel in any context. Do not fake or fake it to make a certain impression. Act spontaneously. Think that you can only be authentic if you are aware of your worth as a person.

Woman with balls floating around her

Recommendations for getting the respect of others

Respect starts at home. Therefore, you will not be able to gain respect from others if you are not respectful as well. On the other hand, understand that respect does not mean fear or reverence, but acceptance and appreciation.

There are some keys to getting others to respect you. These are some of them:

  • Accept that you don’t always have to please everyone. The approval or disapproval of others should not condition you. There will always be people who don’t like you.
  • Learn to differentiate kindness from condescension. Courtesy is not submission. We didn’t come into the world to make others feel good.
  • Strengthen and practice self-love. Be sure to recognize all your values ​​and your successes. Don’t neglect your accomplishments, however small they may seem.
  • Enter the “no” in the dictionary of your communication. Setting limits does not mean offending the other or being inconsiderate. It’s a healthy way to preserve mutual respect.
  • Recognize that you are not responsible for what others feel or think. If the way you think, the way you speak, or the way you act upsets or irritates another, it’s not your problem. Let that person resolve your nonconformity.
  • Require recognition when necessary. If you do a lot for others, it’s normal for them to stop enjoying you. If this happens, suspend the collaboration.
  • Learn to defend yourself. Perhaps you are a victim of “learned helplessness”. So it’s time to get over that and learn to defend yourself. It’s not easy at first; however, once the custom is implemented, the effort is not so much to maintain it.

Getting others to respect you is not a short-term goal, especially if you’ve been disrespected on several occasions. You need a firm resolve to get it and an iron will to keep to that purpose. However, it’s worth it. Lack of respect brings only greater evils and much needless suffering.

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