7 Steps To Increase Your Personal Self-esteem

7 Steps To Increase Your Personal Self-esteem

The greatness of the human being is valued and perceived by the degree of self-knowledge that the person has of himself. One of the pillars that supports this wonderful condition in each of us is our own perception of ourselves, that is, our personal self-esteem.

Self-esteem is constituted by the beliefs we have about ourselves. These qualities, abilities, and ways of acting and managing our emotions form our being, and are those that constitute our self-image.

Self-esteem is the main foundation on which our personal and emotional growth is built. So, depending on how you feel about yourself, it positively or negatively affects the other parts that make up your life: work, relationships and the most important personal reasons.

Thus, self-esteem becomes the value you place on yourself in relation to the feelings and experiences you have integrated throughout your life experience. Then we can form those characteristic expressions, like “ I’m so dumb, I’m not capable or people don’t like me ”.

hand holding a heart

As we said before,  this self-assessment that we do every day of our lives unconsciously is necessary and important, as it is where the decision to invest even more, or not, in our personal talents and achievements lies.

People who have high, positive self-esteem are able to overcome any situation that brings them a daily difficulty or challenge. On the other side of the coin, those who maintain low self-esteem can only limit themselves and fail.

To avoid this last situation, I invite you to integrate the 7 steps to increase your personal self-esteem, enjoying a healthy and fulfilling quality of life.

Do not generalize

The past is not one of the best companions of self-esteem, as we remain anchored in it, which does not allow us to move forward and evolve within. Remember not to generalize the negative experiences you’ve had throughout your life.

Accepting that you are not perfect and that you may have flaws is necessary to allow yourself to flow enjoying your true essence, as well as accepting that what happened once doesn’t have to happen again

Be aware of your victories

This is one of the best ways to improve our personal self-esteem. For this, I invite you to become aware of your successes and achievements already accomplished, and review what you want to achieve in the future.

To have good self-esteem, it is necessary to recognize in ourselves the ability to do things well in the different parts that make up our lives. And we can never forget to strive to achieve our goals.

Trust in yourself

Never forget to act consistently with what you think and feel. Above all, never stop trusting yourself.  Remember that each of us has our own perception of reality, so we don’t have to worry so much about what others think.

woman sitting under the tree

focus on the positive side

Get used to noticing and valuing the good traits you have and are proud of. Your strengths and weaknesses are a treasure as they make you extraordinary and unique to anyone else.

accept yourself for what you are

Never fail to accept yourself and what you are. In you resides the power to realize everything you dream of, with its virtues and imperfections. Authentic and sincere relationships are linked by accepting who we really are.

don’t compare with others

As we have insisted and invited you to reflect, we are all different from each other. Each one with our characteristics that make us unique and special.

You may consider yourself worse than others, but remember that there will always be an aspect of life where you will be “ better ” than someone else. Therefore, it is only worthwhile to make comparisons if the purpose is to obtain positive and practical learning.

Worry about being better every day

Focus on improving what you feel you are not happy with. This is a good way to increase your personal self-esteem, as it allows you to evolve both internally and externally. Identify what you would like to change or achieve. Then draw up an action plan to begin advancing the changes needed to reach your goal.

Before I say goodbye, I would like to share one last and conscious advice to increase your self-esteem: whenever possible, convert everything that is negative into positive things.

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