People Who Always Ask For Favors: Why Do They Do It?

People Who Always Ask For Favors: Why Do They Do It?

“I would do this for you. Please do this favor for me.” Phrases like this are very common among people who don’t hesitate to ask us for things over and over again. These are demands in which emotional blackmail is present. Why do they do this?

“Come on, it costs nothing… will you do this for me?” . People who always ask for favors never cease to amaze us. They always have a thousand resources, hundreds of excuses and a million compliments to make us give in, to get what they want from us. If you know or have someone close to you who acts in this way, you must have wondered many times why this person is like that.

We ask this basically for two reasons. The first is obvious: asking for a favor is never easy, at least for most people. When we ask for something, it’s because there’s really no more and we’ve reached the limit. Therefore, we are impacted to see how people who have no scruples act by making direct or indirect request a way of life.

Furthermore, there is another issue: these types of situations end up leaving us with the rope around our necks. That’s when relationships shake and we rethink whether these people would be shamelessly taking advantage of our pleasure. We end up in a scenario where, sooner or later, we will have to impose limits, barriers that are not always welcome.

What defines this “needy” over-demand personality type? We will analyze.

friend asking please

People who always ask for favors: the person behind the smile

There are those who ask for favors because they need to, and when they do, it is possible to notice the need, the vulnerability and even the shyness in their expression. That’s because asking for a favor is not easy, pride needs to be sidelined and emotions become clear. However, people who make requests often come to us with a different expression.

The requests of people who don’t always do this are accompanied by shy smiles, like that of a three-year-old child asking for a gift. Often, favor masters do this in a hurry, usually because something happened at the last minute and they urgently need our favor. In this way, they put us between the cross and the sword, making it almost impossible for a “no” to come out of our mouths.

This behavior pattern gives us clues to understand what is behind this situation.

Narcissists: if you love me, will give me

The narcissistic personality is common in our daily lives. There are many people who, without even presenting a narcissistic personality disorder, show actions and behaviors that make living difficult. One of their most common characteristics is getting what they want from others.

However, they manage to do this in a sophisticated way. They call for the “as much as I love you, surely you will do this for me” or the classic “I would do this for you”. Emotional blackmail is the fuel that drives a large part of your requests, requests that we can fall into for an indefinite period of time.

When the relationship is closer: less difficulty placing orders

Our partner, mother, brother or best friend… Sometimes, the proximity makes the reticence and moderation much smaller, to the point that people already know that we will do what is asked. However, we must keep in mind: neither love nor even the genetic code forces anyone to be at the mercy and do whatever they ask.

There are limits, and these limits make every relationship healthy. The fact that we love someone so much doesn’t mean that we have to do everything we can to please.

The lack of empathy and selfishness in people who always ask for favors

There are people with a lack of empathy who are not capable of realizing that we cannot fulfill the favor they ask of us. These are profiles that only look at their own navel, people who only seek to cover their immediate need, their momentary whim.

Selfishness is present in our society and can be very close to us, especially in people who always ask for favors.

When I don’t know how to solve my own problems and I depend on others

We can often find another factor behind this behavior that needs to be taken into account. Some people have not learned to be responsible for their own lives. As we are well aware, what defines your maturity, competence and resolution is being able to solve the challenges that arise in your daily life, whether small or large.

There are people who have not yet learned to be responsible for themselves. Therefore, we may have a friend, co-worker, neighbor or even family member who expects us to be responsible for solving any problem. Just do it once and they’ll depend on us for almost everything.

woman asking for a favor

How to treat people who always ask for favors?

We’ve all lived more or less in this situation. We can, for example, have a co-worker who got used to asking us for this or that in excess, and even assumes that it costs nothing to break a branch. Thus, we end up doing what they ask of us, saving the person in their last minute need.

The first recommendation in this matter is to always do what our heart says. It is necessary to do what makes us feel good, what gives us pleasure. If at some point we start to feel restless, thinking things like “They’re taking advantage of me” or that what they’re asking isn’t going to do us any good, we need to stand up and act.

People who always ask for favors need limits, and the sooner we say out loud “Don’t ask me, I won’t!” it will be much better. Therefore, when someone who asks us for a favor is a family member or another person who is very close, we must speak honestly.

It’s not because we say no to a request that we love the person any less. It is simply about maintaining integrity, respecting spaces and understanding that a relationship also needs reciprocity. Loving means being sincere at all times and if there is something we don’t feel like doing, we should say it and be respected for it.

These are complex situations that we must learn to handle as quickly as possible so that we can get along better and protect our self-esteem.

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