7 Sentences About Forgiveness That Will Help You Turn The Page

7 Sentences About Forgiveness That Will Help You Turn The Page

Forgiveness is an act of piety, but mainly, it is an act of liberation, both for the one who receives it and for the one who gives it. This exercise in generosity with oneself, one another, or many others is essential for maintaining emotional stability, for following through when finishing an old chapter and opening the next ones. It’s very complicated to be okay while we’re still holding grudges, so today we bring you a few sentences about forgiveness that will help you turn the page.

It is often not easy to forgive the person who has hurt us, especially when our interior demands revenge or our actions feed the resentment created. Even harder when the wound is caused by someone we love dearly, or hold dear in our hearts. Therefore, as we said, forgiveness is an act of generosity, the resolution of an internal dialogue with oneself, face to face with our internal knots.

So, forgiveness is a sublime act, which takes place as a result of a process of reconciliation. It implies a new pact, which assumes that the behaviors or problems that gave rise to the first disagreement will not reoccur. It’s worth it anyway. For ourselves and for others. Below we share 7 phrases that can help us on this path.

forgiving is not easy

One of the phrases that will help you forgive comes from the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin. He said: “The three hardest things in this world are: keeping a secret, forgiving a mistake, and enjoying your time.”

Forgiveness is never easy, for either party. In both cases there is a demand for a certain greatness: whoever asks for forgiveness, because he must recognize his error and commit himself not to repeat the behavior; who forgives, because the act requires nobility, generosity and understanding of the weaknesses of the character of others.

couple with the foreheads together

Two sentences about forgiveness that help us to forgive

Mahatma Gandhi is the author of many phrases that help people to follow the path of forgiveness. In fact, forgiveness was at the base of his entire philosophy of life. One of these phrases says: “Forgiving is the value of the brave. Only those who are too strong to forgive an offense really know how to love.”

Gandhi made an association between forgiveness and love, because both to love and to forgive it is necessary to be strong. Martin Luther King had the same vision. He once said, “He who is unable to forgive is unable to love.” There is always the need for forgiveness when you love… and in forgiveness there is always the capacity to love.

forgiveness is a blessing

William Shakespeare offers us a vision of forgiveness that reveals the greatness of the act. It favors not only who is receiving it, but also who is giving it. One of his phrases says: Forgiveness falls like a gentle rain from heaven to earth. It is a blessing twice: blesses the one who gives it and blesses the one who receives it”.

Birds flying

The one who forgives magnifies himself by being a person capable of forgetting an offense. It is able to overlook the damage it has taken to keep the peace with others. He who is forgiven does receive a benefit, but it is not gratuitously. He also grows by recognizing his mistake and admitting that his behavior was not ideal or acceptable.

the need to forgive

One of the most important reasons to forgive is the fact that all human beings make mistakes. Me, you, who hurt you and who you hurt. This is what reminds us of a phrase by Jacinto Benavente: “We only learn to forgive in life when we ourselves need to be forgiven a lot”. We are human and sooner or later we all need forgiveness.

On the other hand, there are also people who blame themselves and punish themselves excessively when they make a mistake. They are those who feel eternally condemned to ask forgiveness for everything they do. Regarding this situation, Confucius says: “Forgive everything who forgives nothing of himself.” A phrase that refers to generosity of spirit.

Forgiving the peace comes

Demián Bucay also reminds us of the great benefits that those who forgive gain. One of his reflections talks about this: “After an offense, the way to regain peace, to gain freedom and psychological balance is to forgive. Only then will we heal our wound and prevent resentment from paralyzing us.”

full and happy woman

That final sentence is the icing on the cake. Grudges have enormous strength, and they feed themselves through rumination. When they are very intense and hold for a long time, they end up paralyzing the person in time. Limiting emotional life and preventing any advance.

Keep these forgiveness phrases in mind for when you need help to forgive. Forgiveness frees and magnifies. The important thing is to do it wholeheartedly and fully. It is not a simple ritual to eliminate guilt, but a great and wonderful act that should lead everyone involved to personal growth.

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