In The End, The Last Drop Is Usually A Tear

In The End, The Last Drop Is Usually A Tear

Sometimes the last drop is a tear and only then do you realize you can’t take it anymore. It’s time to assume your vulnerability and process everything that happened.

In the end, the last drop is usually a tear. Then everything falls apart and you are aware that you have reached the limit, that you can’t take it anymore, and you feel defeated. Sometimes we hear that we need to hit rock bottom to surface again, but what if you’ve been in those depths for a long time and all you do is cry and cry?

In fact, there is no rush. Each person has their own time, their particular rhythm to process emotions and let themselves germinate in serene silence, like plants. Because, in fact, there are times when everything overtakes us and there is no other option but to accept our vulnerability and be quiet to clarify priorities, drain what hurts, and then go back up again.

There is something important that the psychotherapist Albert Ellis recalled, the life is really difficult, and not only by the challenges and adversities that we have to overcome from time to time. Often we must also fight against ourselves, against that innate desire to do everything right and achieve everything we set out to do.

Failing, falling, tripping, losing and dealing with such a complex and uncertain reality is normal. Still, it’s hard for us to accept that, because we’ve been brought up to do everything. So how do we act when life overwhelms us?

sad man crying

The last drop is usually a tear (when you can’t take it anymore)

“What to do when you can’t take it anymore?” This is a question many people ask themselves almost every day. The tricky thing is that we live in a society where the more you do, the more you are valued. Being busy and doing countless things defines that highly effective and competent person everyone admires.

However, those who fail are branded as lazy, weak and even irresponsible. What’s worse, even the person has a negative perception of himself when he cannot fulfill his obligations. But sometimes it happens: the last drop is a tear, and then you can only plunge into that glass of disappointment, weariness and anguish.

Not being able anymore is not the end of the world, it is a wake-up call. When life hurts and tears come, there’s only one option: spend some time in the winter, curl up with your body, and get in touch with your own emotions. Even if it hurts…

When you can’t take it anymore, life is pushed to the limit

And you, how much are you able to bear? Maybe too much. They may have made you believe that being strong means power with everything. It’s possible that they convinced him that the brave don’t complain about anything and solve everything. Plus, they have an answer to every problem and huge backs that carry their own concerns and those of others.

Until it finally happens: the last straw is a tear and you find you can’t take it anymore. You have been giving more than you have for so long and neglecting what you need that the anguish dissolves in you like a lump of sugar.

The last drop is usually a tear, and then all you do is cry

Physical and mental exhaustion, headaches, difficulty falling asleep and wanting to cry. You have reached the bottom, you feel it, you perceive your mind and body as that rock that sinks into the depths and is no longer able to rise.

You can’t anymore. The moment has come when there is only one option: to focus on yourself. It’s time to retire your battered armor, that fake hero armor that tried to save everyone but you. Now only you matter and heal what hurts. But remember: the process is slow, laborious, and has many ups and downs.

You must hibernate like the bears. You will feel like a rock at the bottom of a river. Everyone moves while you find yourself immobile, but in reality you are not a stone, you are a seed that sooner or later will eventually sprout creating something new and more beautiful.

This process takes time and you must navigate your emotions through that delicate ascent to the surface…

hand with a heart of flowers

You will bloom again, step by step and with help

The shed tears will allow you to feed your emotional growth later. Because only when we drain the pain do we make room for new hope.

Tiredness, in turn, will be present in your life for a while. In fact, it is a common factor in many mood disorders, such as depression, as explained in a study by Dr. Steven D. Targum, consultant in the department of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Give yourself time, let yourself germinate with patience and help. Support is the daily breath that will guide you through the darkest moments and also the hand that, day after day, will take you out of its depths. Because, after all, we all hit rock bottom at some point, we all feel like we’ve reached the limit. This experience is not the end, it is just a new beginning.

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