Be Yourself And The Right People Will Come Into Your Life

Be Yourself And The Right People Will Come Into Your Life

authentic, dreamy, stubborn at times, and even possessing madness that makes it unique. Be yourself, defend your identity in every moment of your life, even though your peculiarities, opinions or quirks do not please everyone. Keep your essence and the right people will arrive when you least expect them.

This idea, which at first glance seems logical, understandable and expected, is one of the main reasons why a person goes to see a psychologist. The symptoms are almost always the same: mental exhaustion, extreme physical fatigue and the feeling that you have lost your way, that you have lost your way among the priorities of others, the environmental pressures and the noises of a world with which you no longer identify.

ourselves to be what others expect, we have lost the most beautiful part of our being: our own identity. Furthermore, when we put aside what makes us a “standard”, helpful and manageable person who fits in everything, we allow those people we would like to keep our distance from entering our lives.

Slowly and without us noticing, our days take on a gray hue, where there is no inspiring glow or the spontaneity that cheers and motivates. We have a responsibility to discover and defend our own light, what makes us different, what makes us unique people for a world where we are all replaceable.

be yourself

in a world of equal people

, co-founder of Harvard University’s trading program, is one of the communication. Many of your works are valuable contributions in the field of personal growth. They also describe psychological ways for us to learn to be happier in our social and professional environment, which are often complex and exhausting.

In his book “Getting to Yes with Yourself” (““) he explains that the biggest problem people have when they need to communicate, reach agreements or even establish meaningful personal relationships, is the lack of trust: we don’t believe in ourselves. When we feel insecure, we wear armor, mask ourselves and act with great caution and prudence. If we live in fear, we will attract failure in every area of ​​our life.

in a society that strives to create equal people The school strives to teach children to think alike and to unite theirs into a single hierarchy. Also, many companies are docile workers who do not challenge the organization’s policy. It is not being unique when the indicators mark the same path for everyone and .


to fight and defend what we are: unique people. Being faithful to oneself can come at a high cost: we are misunderstood, the lonely child protests for everything and strives to make an impression on his personal work. It is difficult, however, “to reach the yes with the starting point to get closer to reality.

will come into your life

spontaneous and charming to madness, they are attractive. : they said “yes” to themselves, “yes” to accepting me “yes”

we take this step as important as it is complex, everything changes. they are more spontaneous and secure, we don’t worry about displeasing because we won’t be accepted at any cost. So, thanks to this mental and emotional state, sooner or later we will “attract” the best friends, the special and wonderful companion: the one who accepts us and loves us as we are, without any artifice and without an ounce of insecurity or falsehood.

In this article, we suggest some reflections on some dimensions that will help you give that “yes” to your own wonderful identity.



not least, always remember the famous motto: “to be and to let be”. Authentic and unique people value and love themselves, but they also respect each other’s opinions and personal universe. Being yourself in a society where this basic principle is not always respected is difficult; however, it is worth acting that way.

It is necessary to learn to defend our identity in order to safely show the joy, magic and originality that we carry within us. In this way, we will open the doors for these people, for those special events and opportunities that will bring us true happiness.

Images courtesy of Clara Mcallister.

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