After Certain Hells, Not Every Demon Burns

After Certain Hells, Not Every Demon Burns

No hell is pleasant, but there are hells that embrace without compassion just by approaching them. It’s complicated to get out of there and rebuild the skin after having touched its embers, but we know it’s possible, as we’ve managed to recover from the deep wounds we’ve already been caused.

For that reason, we now know that we are not going to let any devil take us to hell and burn us. In other words, we have already suffered a lot, and fighting suffering has made us stronger. So, now we take the smile of brave people and don’t let them get hurt so easily.

To fully understand this article, it is necessary to clarify that we consider hell in its metaphorical aspect: we want to refer to difficult times in our lives or periods of time in which we feel blocked by circumstances.

hells have weaknesses

Any labyrinth, no matter how convoluted and confusing it may be, has a way out. It’s true that it’s not easy to find her at a glance, but sooner or later you’ll be able to get out.


A hell is not much different: it has weak spots through which you can escape and breathe. However, finding these weaknesses requires several things on our part: a considerable effort to stay on our feet until we succeed, and a deep self-discovery of who we are.

When everything around us recognized us and now doesn’t seem to recognize us, it’s necessary to fight not to lose our way. The moment we are immersed in hell, it is essential not to forget about motivations, dreams, learning, etc. Thus, we will always find the strength to keep looking for the way out.

Firmness makes us strong

The word firmness is synonymous with integrity, perseverance and moral strength. Those who, in any circumstance of their life, have not let themselves be dominated or discouraged by something that wanted to weaken them acts with this quality. In this way, trying to harness the power of our emotions makes us strong.

The title of this article says that “after many hells, not every devil burns”  because hells seek to unbalance our soul balance. Since you acquire firmness and strength after passing them, it is no longer so easy for them to knock you down  or burn you.

Anyone who comes into our life with this intention will have to work much harder. We learn and therefore the person is not going to get it that easy.

we have to keep fighting

We learn from the path of self-discovery and the practice of being firm in difficulty, because difficulty teaches. But what do we learn, exactly? Above all, to understand that  while we listen to the heartbeat, we have to bet on this opportunity that still maintains a thread of union with life.


We learn to keep smiling when thinking about the good things we find after this difficulty and we understand that this smile is stronger than any wound. In addition, the hells lead us to discover places where we would never have imagined ourselves, and overcoming tools that we didn’t count on.

Difficulties teach us to overcome, to focus on the good side of pain, not to run away without dealing with the problem. In short, hell shows us the hidden face of our personality: survival and endurance.

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