
Alexandria Hypatia: Science And Religion

Alexandria Hypatia: Science And Religion

Cruelly murdered, Hypatia was a woman of reason, a teacher in places where women didn’t even enter, a revolutionary who believed, above all, in science… Hypatia of Alexandria was the first philosopher, mathematics, and physics of whose existence there are reliable proofs. She was born in Egypt in the late …

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Simplicity Is Also An Intellectual Virtue

Simplicity Is Also An Intellectual Virtue

Simple people don’t just show humility in their actions. This virtue comes from the thought and flexibility of those who recognize that they don’t know everything, that it is necessary to make room for listening and understanding, without leaving room for selfishness. Simplicity is also an intellectual virtue. After all, …

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Fear Of Shining

Fear Of Shining

One of the great paradoxes of human beings is that of wanting to be special and, at the same time, being afraid to shine. Who doesn’t want to be recognized and admired? We all have a need for others to see our virtues. And it’s an advantage if, in addition …

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What Can Dogs Teach Us About Our Problems?

What Can Dogs Teach Us About Our Problems?

There is no doubt that dogs are very endearing animals. Those who love them in a special way and share unforgettable moments with them can see the wisdom that exists in their behavior. People, like dogs, are also animals. It is true that we can have a more complex reasoning …

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Seek Inspiration Within Your Heart

Seek Inspiration Within Your Heart

Everyone needs a motivation to move forward in life. If there is a lack of key factors that help keep us focused on the goals and objectives of the future, it is difficult to find the right path that will lead us to success and happiness. Especially if on this day …

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People Who Always Ask For Favors: Why Do They Do It?

People Who Always Ask For Favors: Why Do They Do It?

“I would do this for you. Please do this favor for me.” Phrases like this are very common among people who don’t hesitate to ask us for things over and over again. These are demands in which emotional blackmail is present. Why do they do this? “Come on, it costs …

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I’ve Been So Textual I Could Love It In Verse

I’ve Been So Textual I Could Love It In Verse

I could love him in verse, hug his body, caress every bit of his skin, sip his dots and commas, savor his words, enjoy the wetness of his sighs, calm his speech and drive him crazy with exaggeration of my lyrics… I can feel your reaction to every caress, run …

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Diplomatic People: 5 Traits That Characterize Them

Diplomatic People: 5 Traits That Characterize Them

On many occasions, we think that being too impulsive or “saying things to the face” necessarily imposes a kind of condemnation on us: that of being disrespectful. Nothing is further from reality: sincerity is not necessarily at odds with education. It has more to do with knowing how to send …

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