Celebrate Your Emotions

Celebrate Your Emotions


It is a positive feeling that appears when we reach a goal or a goal, when we have a pleasant experience or when we manage to reduce our discomfort.

– Under the influence of joy, we can bring to mind happy memories. It works like an engine that moves our lives and brings back happy moments from the past.

– Produces hormonal changes, reduces stress, improves immunity and cardiovascular problems.

– Facilitates social interaction, making us more communicative, more likely to help others and mitigates the effects of negative emotions.

– Joy is contagious. When we are happy, we want to share it with the world and with everyone around us.

Without sadness we would not be able to feel joy.


It is a negative feeling that is characterized by a depressed mood, which causes our mental activity and actions to be reduced.

– Sadness is very subjective and personal ; it can appear when we lose something, we lose someone, or our self-esteem is very low. It can range from mild to severe, but it should not be confused with depression.

It can influence our mental processes and diminish our creativity. We focus attention on the negative facts and do not explore new options for solving a problem or getting out of a negative situation.

– Sadness takes us away from social life and we end up isolating ourselves.

– When we feel sad, we experience a feeling of helplessness  that makes us think that nothing is worth it, and then we choose not to try.

Sadness also has its positive side: it makes us reflect on what really matters.


– It is a negative feeling that occurs when we are subjected to situations that we consider frustrating or dangerous for our physical integrity or those we love.

– It’s a feeling that can blind us. We act without thinking and may even attack or vent our frustration on a person or a situation.

– Anger can appear in several situations: if we do not receive any reward for our work, if the boss does not recognize our efforts, in the face of an injustice, when we feel powerless in a situation…

Don’t give in to anger; prolonged anger breeds hatred.


An imminent danger that can harm us or harm those around us can cause fear.

– This emotion is complex, but fundamental for our survival. Since prehistory, fear accompanies the human being and helps us to make decisions about situations that we should avoid.

– The problem is when the fear is irrational. There is no real danger, but we feel fear based on our interpretation of the facts. We imagine horrible consequences for events that haven’t even happened yet. This is what we call anxiety.

– The experiences we live and the fears that society and education bring to us affect our way of seeing the world.

It is not necessary to know the danger to be afraid, the unknown dangers are what cause us the most fear.


It is the emotional response we give to something we are disgusted with or when we feel an unpleasant impression.

– The disgust reactions are very intense and difficult to hide.

– The survival function protects us from possible intoxication or poisoning, but we often feel disgusted with some non-toxic foods because we associate their flavors with unpleasant thoughts and experiences.

– We are not only disgusted with tastes or odors, but also with ideas, behaviors and people who represent this emotion.

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