Close Doors To Advance

Close Doors To Advance

Closing doors becomes essential when the present does not advance. Stagnation often comes from holding on to a past that is still open in our hearts.

Closing doors is like cleaning out a closet full of clothes that we will no longer use and for which we will give no purpose. If that outfit no longer fits and you put it away, there will come a point where the closet will be so full of useless pieces that there will be no room for new ones that bring positive things.

Reflect, take time to “let go”, to accept what cannot be and has not been forgotten. Empty your shipment and leave room for the new one to come. The past is history, it serves as a lesson, but never let it stop you, because the “now” has nothing to do with the “yesterday”.

People change, evolve, learn from mistakes and each new time you have ahead is an opportunity for development, to be who you want to be and not necessarily who you were yesterday.

Why do we cling to the pain of the past?

The unconscious mind does this task and seeks you to cling to past pain. It drags you to repeatedly remember situations that were not favorable. It makes you think that if things didn’t work in the past, it’s not worth trying again because the same thing will happen.

The rational part of you can win the battle against these negative thoughts. You need to know that whatever happened in your past has nothing to do with what’s to come. Sometimes it’s a matter of luck, sometimes of having taken the wrong steps, but now in the present, with everything we’ve learned, with more maturity on our back, everything can take a new direction.

Often a lack of willpower keeps a person stuck in regret and past memories, because it’s easier and more comfortable to remain in melancholy than to close old doors, leave the room, and do something to open new doors.

4 tips for closing doors and starting over

If you’re willing to clear your closet of things that won’t bring you anything positive and want to make room for new things to come, you need to become a “Creative” being.

One who sits and does nothing will not advance. Thinking and remembering is a trap of the unconscious that will leave you trapped and helpless. To close doors it is necessary to get up and go out to open new opportunities.

1. Let go with love

To be able to close a stage in a healthy way, without side effects, it  is necessary to leave behind the resentment, hatred, guilt, etc… For this, it is first necessary to say goodbye with affection, without resentment, closing the cycle with acceptance and a friendly way.

There are cases and cases, and it is normal that, if something very negative has happened, it is very difficult to forgive and let go with love. But closing doors with love does not mean that it is necessary to forgive or maintain the friendship. It’s simply a matter of giving a friendly argument to the situation, so that your insides are at ease. It is very interior work, not exterior work.

Each case is unique and personal, each one must look for a favorable argument to be able to leave a stage with calm and acceptance. Think something like: “life is like this, I had to go through this bad experience, but now with everything I’ve learned my life will change in a positive way.”

Try to adopt an approach to yourself where there is no resentment, guilt, hatred, resentment, etc… When you finish saying goodbye internally, you will not feel negative emotions. If you’ve done it right, you’ll feel calm, hopeful, and willing to start new experiences.

Close the stage as best you can and keep going, because in every new path there are good things to discover, even better than the ones that were left behind.

2. Pursuing a goal

What I want? What will I do to reach my goal? Reflect on what your dreams are, what things motivate you and give you joy. Set a goal and go after it. When you are active, the mind automatically leaves the past to make room for new experiences.

Every time you find yourself paralyzed and regretting the past, try to change what’s on your mind, replace the melancholy memories and look ahead, think about what actions you will take to achieve your goal and start being the creator of your new life.

The world offers us a multitude of options and paths. Nothing and nobody is irreplaceable because the world is so big that you can always start over, whether it’s a new relationship, a new job, new friendships, etc.

As much as your unconscious wants to deceive you into thinking that “you won’t find anything like what you had and lost” this is totally wrong. What happens is that we don’t see beyond the corner because we are reluctant to broaden our horizons.

If you have the courage to open up to the new, you will soon see the new possibilities and the number of options that exist to start over.

3. Don’t wait for someone else to solve your problem

There are those who wait for someone to come and solve their problems. This doesn’t usually happen. We cannot blame anyone for what happens in our lives. Expecting things from others can create a certain amount of frustration that will add to the problems.

Everyone is responsible for their own life, and it’s us who must do something to help ourselves. Independence is important to keep going. It’s one thing to receive love and support from others, but the biggest job of getting out of trouble should be done by yourself.

4. Do something different

When we put new things into our lives the mind needs a new space for this step and erases some of the past. This means that if you do something that you didn’t do when you were at the other stage, you can forget everything more easily.

There are thousands of new things to do. Playing a sport, dedicating yourself to a hobby, enrolling in excursions, tours, visiting new places, traveling, taking courses, etc… even meeting new people even though you have good friendships. If you do new things, you will soon forget the painful steps of the past.

We will all find pleasant things along the way, but also painful thorns. If even encountering negative things we are able to keep moving forward, we will get out of the problems lighter.

Never stop in your way, no matter how many thorns you find. Get up as many times as necessary and keep going. Keep accumulating new experiences that will make all past wounds heal.

Close doors to take that weight off our backs. Close steps  to welcome the new to come.

Images courtesy of J Carlos Herrejón and Juan Andrés López.

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