Do You Know The Types Of Depression That Exist?

Do You Know The Types Of Depression That Exist?

Depression is a change in our mood that affects all areas of life. With depression, the person feels sad, dejected, with no desire for anything, without hope… The number of people suffering from this disorder is increasing. Why? It can be genetic or physiological factors. In any case, it is possible to overcome depression. Know the types of depression.

We will start to know the types of depression, but first let’s talk about the different depressive disorders that exist and that most of us know about.

Types of Depression

depressive disorders

We know what causes depression, but it can manifest itself in different ways. Why in some cases the person can live normally with depression and in other cases not? This depends on the depressive disorder the person is suffering from. Let’s see what they are.

severe depressive disorder

The symptoms of depression make it impossible for a person to work, study, sleep, eat… even activities that were once pleasurable now do not cause him any satisfaction. The person with this type of disorder is isolated and it is impossible for him to develop in his daily life normally. This type of disorder can happen only once or recur throughout a person’s lifetime.

dysthymic disorder

It is characterized by  symptoms that last for at least two years. It is a less serious but longer lasting disorder. It does not prevent a person from performing certain daily tasks, but it  can prevent him from developing a “normal” life.

Bipolar disorder

This type of disorder can be included in depressive disorders as it manifests extreme mood swings. A person with bipolar disorder can be elated and then depressed. This back-and-forth of emotions triggers the symptoms of depression in the bipolar person.

bipolar disorder is one of the types of depression

seasonal affective disorder

Seasonal affective disorder  appears punctually during the winter months, when the hours of light decrease. It usually disappears with the arrival of spring.

Types of Depression

As we have seen, depression is characterized by having certain symptoms. But… what if certain attitudes, episodes, thoughts or states led to depression? Let’s then classify the types of depression taking these aspects into account.

Reactive Type Depression

It is the most frequent type of depression, as it appears after a loss. This loss can be conscious or unconscious, for example, a job, a friend, or a partner. The person cannot overcome this loss, nor assimilate it. Thus,  the pain increases, and the person feels sad and desolate.

Who is most likely to experience this type of depression? Introverted people, unsure of themselves and very sensitive. They close in on themselves and are unable to let go of their sadness.

burnout depression

This depression can happen due to physical exhaustion, but it occurs mainly due to psychic exhaustion. In the world we live in, we are surrounded by competence, demands, overcoming difficulties, lack of time, stress, etc.  All this causes psychic fatigue, wear and tear.

Who suffers it? This type of depression usually affects teenagers or professionals, especially executives.

involutive depression

Involutive depression appears gradually as we get older. The person begins to think about what he did with his life, the things he didn’t do, what he couldn’t solve, what things would be like if he had chosen another path, etc.  All these concerns are related to your past life. Many feel they haven’t enjoyed it as they should. They feel an emptiness, as if they’ve wasted time. Valuable time that has passed too quickly and that they can’t savor now.

This type of depression usually affects people over the age of fifty. At this age we start to review, to remember all the past. It’s like remembering the entire course of life so far.

Depression from mistakes or guilt

Over the years, we may feel a little uneasy about those mistakes we’ve made that, in one way or another, have had consequences. Guilt that we didn’t act differently and that we weren’t forgiven causes us to go into a depressive state.

Baby blues

It happens right after giving birth. The woman experiences the above-mentioned severe depressive disorder within the first month after giving birth. In some cases the woman rejects her baby because she feels incapable of taking care of him, she doesn’t know how to do it.

As we have seen, there are different disorders and different types of depression. They all have the same symptoms, although some are more severe than others. Many depressions are caused by external factors, others by our own changes, there are those that are genetic… There are several possibilities, but what is important to make clear is that


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