Forget The Past So New Doors Can Open

Forget The Past So New Doors Can Open

We know it’s very difficult to follow the advice “forget the past” and keep going without looking back. Opening up enough to dive headlong into a new relationship is hard enough, imagine accepting that it’s over… That’s why many people prefer to continue suffering: they’re afraid of the consequences

Have you ever stopped to analyze the risks of continuing to be unhappy like this? By getting carried away by thoughts like “What if I don’t find someone else?” or “What if I regret it later?”, you’re just hanging in more and more, never moving.

Leaving the doors of the past open only serves to distract us

Of course, it is very difficult to abandon what we know and that has marked us in some way.  However, leaving the doors of the past open prevents us from focusing on what is really important in the present.

If you spend the rest of your life with one foot in that long-dead relationship, you won’t pay attention to that boy crazy to meet you. Ever stopped to think it might be everything you’re looking for?

The same thing happens in every aspect of your life. When you waste time crying for that friend who let you down, you end up not enjoying the company of the other important people in your life. Closing doors and leaving the past behind, where it belongs, gives you the opportunity to pursue your own dreams and focus on other goals.


Forget the past and seize the opportunities

To maintain that hope that everything will go back to the way it was is a big mistake .  Okay, the past may have been great and given us incredible emotions, but you can’t get stuck in the memories. After all, the future holds a lot of good too.

Waiting for you and a very old friend to be close again, for example, doesn’t do any good. Grow up, change your look, move to another city and take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way . Don’t be afraid or think that you need to pamper those who left.

You can’t spend your whole life waiting for someone who’s gone without giving any explanation,  nor hoping that someone will start to appreciate you if today they don’t even answer when you call. One day, repentance may even strike another’s conscience. But what if that never happens? Will you live in waiting or will you be enough in the first place?

Obsession with the past makes us unhappy

They say that people who live in the past are often invaded by depression . If you think about it, that’s actually true. When we live on remembrance, we end up forgetting what we have and also what we could have.

That’s why closing the doors of the past is so important and fundamental. Nobody wants to live surrounded by nostalgia and missing the past. Remembering our origins is crucial to keeping our feet on the ground, but it is necessary to pay attention to the present.

Enjoy what you have, laugh with those on your side and plan for the future. It makes no sense to act differently. The worst that can happen is, ten years from now, you will be a sad person because you regret not having lived to the full. Forget the past and you won’t regret it.

Be realistic and see the future as an opportunity

Are you the kind of person who doesn’t cut off relationships with someone just because they can help you get where you want to go? This may be true, but have you ever wondered if this person is even willing to get their hands dirty for you? Maybe she doesn’t even consider him a friend anymore!


Besides, you may be committing to things that don’t interest you at all. Keeping relationships intact may sound like a good idea, but you’ll only be filled with obligations that, over time, will turn into a nightmare.

Drop this mania of leaving things unfinished

We made it a habit to leave all the doors of the past open. We believe it’s best to let things simmer and use them as a plan B “just in case” . Suddenly that friend might need my help… That ex-boyfriend might start to value me overnight… Maybe they’ll change their minds and hire me for that job, etc.

But the truth is, we can’t live waiting for better circumstances. When we can’t see a future for that situation, we need to put an end to it and that’s it Forget the past and you will be ready to evolve into your future.

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