Good, Well-bred Children Will Be Adults With The Same Gifts

Good, Well-bred Children Will Be Adults With The Same Gifts

We live in a world where war coexists with peace, in which there are people who do not hesitate to put the lives of others in the service of their own benefit, including their death as a reasonable price for that benefit. A world in which adults participate, in which children learn.

What sets children and adults apart is innocence. Both hurt, but children do it without knowing the consequences and without accepting the price of their actions. However, the same is not true for adults, who are generally aware of the damage they will cause by their way of acting and still act.

Most children are born with a certain predisposition to take care of others, especially the care of their family. A kind of kindness, with a constant help mechanism and an altruism that no one taught them. It is in the hands of their parents and guardians to ensure that, when they lose part of their innocence, this being a logical and natural process, that predisposition remains.

Tips for Keeping Kindness in Children

Tolerance and patience (teaching and having)

One of the key points to make children grow up without frustration is patience, with which to make them see what they need to do or what is expected of them at each moment, so as to generate a feeling in the child not of imposition, but rather adult and mature conversation. We need to be tolerant with them so that they can feel that they have some control of situations, without letting them limit themselves.

children sleeping

These two keys, patience and tolerance, will be internalized by them in such a way that they can keep them as a flag in daily contact with the rest of human beings. A patient and tolerant society is an understanding and respectful society.

Thank you please and I’m sorry

Three expressions need to be internalized  that will make them polite and kind people: thank you, please, and sorry.

They need to learn to be grateful, to understand that they get what they get because they are worthy of it, not just luck or bad luck. In this way we will teach them that practically everything can be achieved with effort and dedication, and that in them lies the value by which they get what they receive.

The way they ask for things will make them stand out from an ill-mannered crowd, where speed and the obligation to receive what is demanded are prioritized. A simple “please” completely changes the meaning of what is asked.

Knowing how to correct a mistake and knowing how to recognize that you have made a mistake, whatever the reason, will make them learn constantly, by the simple fact of assimilation. Asking for forgiveness will make them honorable people and responsible for their actions.

Affection as the main tool

Creating healthy intimacy is what will make the difference between one child and another. It is necessary to create a familiar warmth, a source of comfort and consistency material for a safe environment from which to explore the world and play without fear of anything, as this family will have given you the security that you will always have someone to count on.

This proximity will be managed even more effectively with close observation where it is essential to remain calm: if the child falls and hurts his knee, the caregiver cannot panic, he should calm him down and minimize his importance, this will reassure him and will make, on the next occasions, she practically laugh as she falls into the park.

children sleeping

We need to be aware that fear does not withdraw when we surround them with gifts, but when we give them our confidence in others, in the world. If we pass to children that the world is a place full of dangers, it is not surprising that in a few years we will be faced with an adult who is fearful and emotionally dependent, especially in the face of obstacles.

the education of kindness

There is a lot of research where we can see how children tend to help naturally, to share and, in short, to be socially healthy and kind. It is possible to preserve this over time, ruling out the possibility of being contaminated by the bad social examples that surround us.

To ensure that their natural tendency remains, it is necessary to act with them as we hope they will be in the future, and with this we will have launched the best fertilizer to cultivate this sensitivity for others that will not let them act with malice.

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