Learn To Close Loops Properly

Learn To Close Loops Properly

When we speak of cycles, we are referring to those life processes that begin, develop and end. Although in practice nothing ends completely, it is important to learn to close loops when the process runs out, so that we can move forward.

For this, initially you have to know how to differentiate between closing cycles and suffering a loss. Closing large stages of life involves losses and brings suffering, but it does not have the sudden or deeply painful character that losses involve. Therefore, closing a cycle includes losses, but losses do not necessarily include a closing cycle.

Closing cycles is important because it directly affects what will be done in the future. If the cycle, whatever it is, remains open, it interferes with personal development. It’s like not fixing a leaky faucet and hoping it won’t affect the financial and ecological cost of water. Let’s look at some suitable ways to close loops.

To close cycles, you need to let go

Human beings tend to cling to the known, however negative. Habit is a very powerful force that causes us to remain in inertia. It is easier to bear the known evil than to embark on a new adventure.

birds flying arm

Therefore, there is usually a resistance to closing cycles. There is a part of us that would like to continue in the same way and not feel any uncertainty about the new.

The first task is to let go. A cycle is closed when the process has been completed and only memories remain. Closing can only be done consciously. It may be that there is no longer to cling to, but mentally we are still connected to it. Letting go is a way of acknowledging the new reality.

say goodbye and take stock

Although cycle closures refer to letting go of the realities that harm us, they will always cause suffering. Therefore, it is necessary to allow yourself to live the sadness that the endings bring with them and say goodbye to this reality that is about to disappear. The best way to do this is to build a memory about everything that was experienced.

We will not be able to close cycles by burying our heads in the sand like an ostrich or “turning our backs” on everything that happens to avoid suffering. It is better to review, step by step, each of the experiences that were part of this process. Identify the beginning, the most relevant moments and all the sensations you experienced.

Based on this , a balance can be made, an evaluation of the positive and also complicated experiences that took place in this cycle. What was learned and what was not. What contributed to our growth and how it contributed to our limitations. That’s the best way to say goodbye.

the time to undertake

The main objective of closing cycles is to “make peace” with the immediate past, to move forward without feeling affected by the lived experiences or by the memories that invade your present. Every ending also implies a new beginning. This beginning must be the focus of our attention and our interest.

woman walking barefoot

Don’t be scared by the new. It is normal for there to be an initial imbalance, but in a relatively short time it will begin to show its benefits. Walking from the known to the uncertain always has a touch of adventure and involves learning, surprises and, of course, adaptations. Most of the time, changes give us much more than they take us away.

Closing cycles is vital to our mental health. If we don’t, we will feel limited and confused about the future. For all that’s gone, we must give a first-rate burial and say goodbye. The new must be received with open arms and with joy in the heart.

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