Lucky To Have A Good Teacher

Lucky To Have A Good Teacher

If we ask you “Which were your teachers that most influenced you?” it probably wouldn’t take too long for someone to come to mind. You will remember their names, the way they taught and the reason they marked you. A good teacher is not forgotten.

This is also repeated for people who teach us outside the academic environment, because what happens is that those who teach us something valuable also leave a mark on us beyond the very knowledge that is transmitted.
It is true that hundreds of people pass through our lives and most of them end up not leaving great marks. But those that demonstrate a special ability to impart knowledge to us become unforgettable. Why are we lucky if we have a good teacher? Because they end up transmitting to us much more than they actually intended, and even more than we expected.

an impossible teacher to forget

It’s interesting to see how children build their heroes throughout their childhood. Beyond parents or fictional characters, teachers occupy a very important place in their lives.

For example, if a teacher taught you the value of effort, said the right words at the most appropriate times, or used fun techniques to teach or study, it is very likely that the knowledge gained has a connection with those memories that made the teacher so unique. .

Unfortunately, most teachers end up not being very original, doing tasks in a monotonous way and restricting themselves in their classes to reproducing any book. Yet some of our teachers – who we can probably count on the fingers of our hands – were exceptional exceptions and demonstrated a special ability to reach us.

A good teacher is the one who teaches while having fun, the one who demonstrates his vocation to 30 bored children who want to be anywhere else, playing or doing anything else, the one who with his words helped you decide the profession to which you are dedicated today.

What is the ideal teacher like?

It is not the one who spends fewer tasks or the one who allows children to do as they please during their lessons. Nor is he the one who sends out lessons that take up the entire afternoon or who, in his tyrannical way, keep the class completely silent.

On the contrary, a good teacher is one who puts a springboard for his students to jump on, a little higher than would be comfortable but a bit lower than would make the task impossible. Furthermore, a good teacher is also one who has enough skills to find the best way for his students to internalize what he intends to convey.

A vocation is something that is perhaps not very well understood when we are little, but it is true that we easily distinguish people who have it. This is because vocation is transformed into attitude, in a great disposition towards the challenges that a classroom can bring.

He treats everyone equally and doesn’t differentiate, doesn’t bother to spend more time explaining to those who still don’t understand, is cordial and open with his students and, especially and mainly, has a great deal of patience. This is the ideal teacher.

As for himself, he must not lack enthusiasm for his work, a desire to continually excel, seek new ways of saying the same thing and deliver his best self through the knowledge he passes on.

True training is also an aspect that no teacher should overlook. What does that mean? That in addition to transmitting data, formulas and techniques, the ability to teach about human values ​​and good habits is essential.


Are there great teachers outside the school?

So far we have only talked about children and their school teachers, but  the role of a mentor does not recognize age or profession. Many adults also look for a person to guide them, to teach them what they need or want to learn.

Even though we can choose sometimes, there are also teachers that we find by pure luck, just because we attended the class at a certain time, or on a certain day.

The mentor offers all his knowledge to his disciples and apprentices and helps them to overcome various obstacles. This is usually someone with a lot of experience in the industry and a special gift for teaching and passing on wisely.

That way, no matter how old you are, there’s still time to find the best teacher of your life.

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