Make Your Work The Materialization Of Love

Make Your Work The Materialization Of Love

We dedicate a large part of our lives to our work, and while some people are content to survive, others make their work a way of life. When a person loves their work, they stand out from the rest, as they are able to live with constant passion and joy.

What kind of person are you: the ones who conform and survive with their work or the ones who end up dedicating themselves to what they really love?

Surely you’ve met some of these people who love their work; they are those who are happy during their working hours and, therefore, are willing to innovate and improve every day. They are professionals who give their best as people, without neglecting the most important aspects of their profession.

No matter what job we’re talking about, it’s possible to find what we love in any of them. Whether in the field of construction, cleaning, customer service, health professionals, administration, agriculture, education, etc. All works are equally worthy, and we can make an art out of them.

Dedicate yourself to what you love

Whenever we see someone who enjoys what they do at work, we decide that this person is privileged,  as they have found what not only allows them to live, but also brings them satisfaction and joy. We still think that, to achieve this, the person has made a great effort.

It is that  finding what we love requires meeting our needs, not settling for simply living,  but wanting to live fully, where we can develop all our aspects and potentials.

hand playing piano

Once we have found the task and scope that comfort us the most, those that allow us to grow not only as professionals, but as people, the time has come to take courageous action not to abandon this idea.

It is not easy to bet on dedicating yourself to what you love, as there will be many circumstances that you will have to fulfill; however, it’s worth going down this path of what you love, even if it’s little by little, and in a way that you can take small steps until you finally get it.

work done with love

In all our actions we can leave a part of our love impregnated,  which will inevitably influence the sensitivity of the people with whom we are in contact. We leave scattered delicate touches for those who are willing to recognize them, and that allow them to touch their being.

Work is one of those activities where we have the opportunity to be moved and provide all the sensitivity that we have, showing all the beauty of which we are made. A force that can go beyond fears and insecurity; overflowing with the energy that moves love.

It’s easy to see when someone is putting love into what they do, as the humblest action becomes a valuable contribution, capable of generating pleasurable emotions. This person who deposits his love enters a state of well-being and plenitude that leaves a sparkle in his eyes, reaching the enthusiasm of a person in love with life.

woman watching horizon

Don’t live halfway, live fully

We have to live fully in this river in which we can decide whether we want to sink or flow along the path that leads us to new routes,  passing through the currents and diving into its depths, exploring ourselves first to achieve a fusion with nature and the sense it gives us.

If you choose to live fully, you will put love into everything you do. By giving yourself completely, you will enjoy and grow by learning while sharing the fruits of your labor with others around you.

If you really want to live: live fully, with the assurance that you will only regret what you haven’t done, what you haven’t tried and everything you missed because you didn’t dare to live, because you remained stagnant in an illusory state of security that did not allow him to know his full potential.

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