Meditating Means Being Aware Of All Activities Of The Mind

Meditating Means Being Aware Of All Activities Of The Mind

The art of meditating involves much more than just calming our minds and attending to our sensations. In fact, settling down in a quiet place and getting into this habit, concentrating on learning to meditate, has no real meaning if we are not able to integrate its meaning into our daily experience.

Meditation is more than just taking the time to practice it and learn to focus. The habit must be incorporated into our lives so that there is an internal change, with the real intention of becoming better people: with our environment, with our nature and the beings that inhabit this world.

Our knowledge and beliefs prevent us from having access to a clear, innocent and sensitive mind to our surroundings. The feeling of meditating brings us to a mind that is freed from mental distortion and noise to acquire an awakening that makes us more aware of how all of this affects our relationships and our conduct.

Meditating allows us to know our “I

Meditation is beyond the mind. Once the mind calms down, it is possible to reach a state of clarity that facilitates the task of eliminating the prejudices and preconceived ideas that distort our thoughts. This is how we can manage to organize our mind so that it becomes more sensitive and intelligent.


When we know our “I” and when we are aware of how we act and how we influence ourselves, the absence of this “I” arises, and in this absence the mind can organize itself. This is done according to the possibilities of acquiring any potential learning.

Have you ever noticed how your experience is contaminated by your thoughts? If we are able to keep the mind calm, we can go into experience without restrictions, accepting things as they are, without pretensions.

Meditating puts us in touch with our nature and

Meditating is not a technique to be practiced, nor a skill that is acquired with our mind and, on the other hand, it doesn’t require effort either. Meditation is above any mental activity, as it is possible to observe this activity. Meditation starts where the mind ends.

We use the mind to succeed, reach goals and learn; however, through meditation we come to our nature. We recognize our purest state that remains despite any experience and circumstance. This is how you begin to integrate what you are beyond your actions and personal successes. We get in touch with our nature through meditation, thanks to the fact that we meet our true selves.


The principle of meditation is self-knowledge

Getting to know yourself through meditation means being aware of all our mental activity in the form of thoughts and feelings, in addition to all the activities generated by our mind. We act as observers of experience, and this is how we discover ourselves.

When we understand our mental activity, we let our unconscious surface spontaneously. This is how we get rid of the noise that disturbs us, confuses and invades our consciousness. We push aside the layers that cloud our vision to capture the world around us more clearly.

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