Mental Health: Let’s Take Care From January To January!

Mental Health: Let’s Take Care From January To January!

In recent years we have heard a lot about quality of life, health, healthy diet and habits, body care, etc. This is all very important and we must certainly be aware, but we cannot forget to take care of our mental health.

It is so important and necessary in our lives to the point that the January White campaign was created to remind us, at the beginning of the year, that there is no point in having made promises to change, (be it the financial area or relationships, or the decision to diet and exercise regularly) if we don’t take care of our emotions, if we don’t cultivate good feelings,  and if we don’t do anything to take care of our mental health.

That’s why this campaign was born, so that we can strengthen ourselves, learn more about ourselves, be aware of who we are and what we want, so that we can be successful in other areas of life.

Profile of a woman in front of a lake

The importance of taking care of mental health

When mental health is not good, any frustration is a reason to give up, so if we have success at work as a goal for the year, and at a given moment something unexpected happens that we don’t know how to deal with, if our mind and emotions are weakened, we abandon the initial idea, we start to believe that nothing will work and that we will never succeed.

This way of acting in the face of something that went wrong for a moment is reproduced in several areas of life: in the marital relationship, in the family relationship, in the diet, and the fear of failure leads us to give up on the first challenge, because we are not mental and emotionally ready to take risks, to go beyond, to leave the comfort zone and glimpse new horizons. In this way, the situation gets worse and more and more we stop believing in ourselves and in the possibility of evolving.

As human beings we are a whole, we are biological, social, psychological and spiritual beings, and to really be healthy, all these areas must be in harmony and well taken care of, as one interferes with the other, one needs the other in full operation, because the whole is greater than the sum of the parts!

Man with balloon in place of head

Lack of mental health affects our body, whether mildly or severely. There are situations in which great emotional pain, which is difficult to bear and which we have no one to share with, becomes physical pain, the cause of which medical examinations do not discover.

Other times we don’t feel pain, but we feel discomfort, tiredness, hunger, weakness, because something is lacking, the emotional charge is great, even tiring the physical body, leaving us with no courage for anything. The opposite also happens, making our minds agitated, racing, preventing us from relaxing and sleeping, causing even bigger problems.

In addition, mental/psychic health is related to more serious diseases, such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases, which can develop due to various factors, such as emotions, poorly prepared thoughts and feelings, inappropriate behaviors, which happened as a result of carelessness with mental health.

For these and other factors, we must take care of our mental health, take care of our emotions, be at ease with who we are, seek self-knowledge and self-acceptance, as all of this influences our self-esteem and health in general.

We shouldn’t leave it for later, we shouldn’t take care of our mental health only in January, but start today and always take care, from January to January, in order to have health, well-being and success in life! If necessary, seek professional help from a psychologist, don’t wait for it to be too late to pay attention to your inner self, get to know yourself and be happy!

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