Obstacles Are A Good Opportunity For Us To Grow

Obstacles Are A Good Opportunity For Us To Grow

In life, to grow, it is necessary to overcome obstacles. Circumstances and time are sometimes against us, and we are forced to submit to challenges that push our boundaries. But if something good emerges from these critical situations, it is the fact that, once overcome, we become aware of how much we are capable of, and that is not little. And you want to achieve even more.

More height. More difficulty. More vertigo. More butterflies in the stomach. More adrenaline. You are addicted to increasing your endurance mileage, because the summit of life promises to be wonderful.

And what is at first purely a matter of survival, or a mere path to a goal, can become a way of life. An obsession that focuses on goals without proving the means that lead to them. The miles of sacrifice and effort that channel the most turbulent dreams.

In the end, as a consequence, we underestimate what has been achieved, because there are even more difficult things on the way. Reaching them is our only escape route. And forcing yourself to get them is the only possible outcome.

Being nonconformist and overcoming yourself is a positive thing. Being in continuous evolution, transition and growth is the most human motivation there is. Until these requirements are put into a pot that is never full despite the sweat poured into it. Until, when you finally reach the top, it turns out to be less exciting than we expected, because the “buts” make it difficult for you to taste the podium.

Is it impossible then to be a happy nonconformist?

Constantly wishing for things to happen differently doesn’t help to appreciate what’s happening right now. And that makes us want a bigger change of things. Therefore, there is a mechanics in which we are only looking for changes, but we do not give time for them to occur in our lives.

We do not let the effects that each dissatisfaction may have rest, we start to believe that it will always be like that, when we only have to climb a few more meters.

But we are not sure. Having all of these doesn’t increase happiness. Instead, we have to accept what we have and learn to take advantage of it.

We are convinced that happiness will come after obstacles, but life is all those obstacles and happiness is the way, it is the journey, not the result.

Therefore, the only thing to do is change the attitude and perspective of how life is perceived. There’s still a lot to do, but if you torture yourself thinking your focus of interest will narrow tomorrow, you’ll never get there.

And, one day, you will look back and savor your achievements, but you will not remember the falls that sustained you, the strength you gained in your process and the determination you developed to avoid falling into the many holes in your path . You won’t remember, because you will already be thinking about the next step.

Life slipped between goal and goal, and you were very concerned about what your next step in your personal demand would be. The test that would take him to the promised eternal rest.

Open your focus and be ambitious, find and bring out the best in you, but keep in mind that the vacuum will not be filled with trophies, but with attempts, emotions, falls and your personal satisfaction at every step in your journey.

Challenge yourself, but don’t procrastinate your life until the right circumstances come, as they may never come.

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