Open Letter To The World

Open Letter To The World

When I was little, there was a phrase that I repeated to myself, which is part of me as if it had been carved in stone: “He who tries hard always gets what he deserves”. But this world has taught me that one who struggles can crash into a wall and collapse can break his bones into many pieces.

As a child, we dream of being older, growing up to be able to have a greater voice in the world and do great things. Because you will make a difference. And at that time it was not an exercise in narcissism, but a belief born of innocence that only innocence can understand.

It’s easy to be happy when things are good, when around you breathe the tranquility that only the eyes of a naive child see in a world full of people who pretend to live a life of cinema. When it’s frowned upon to complain and be human. When the dictatorship of happiness flooded our lives.

That’s when you grow up and the world changes

What you thought turns into an absurd belief in a fair world, an irrational idea that dominated your life and is now a rope that holds your chest, a rope that sometimes won’t let you breathe.

You grow up and you don’t even know who you are anymore because the possibilities have become impossible. Because what you dreamed of as a child seems far away and is no longer within reach. You grow up and see that the effort entails suffering that often goes unrewarded.

fantasy-world woman

You grow up and grieve by denying yourself things that you don’t even understand but that hurt you deep in your soul. Because sometimes the words we say to ourselves are muffled cries that chain us to the guilt that inhabits our own souls for having lost innocence.

You grow up and discover that magic doesn’t exist, that reason wants to dominate in a world where inconsistency feeds the ego of those who have the poisoned gift of an easier life, without even having to struggle.

And then you feel that you are a disappointment to yourself and to those who love you. You have the feeling of having been so naive in the past and having surrendered in the present, letting yourself be carried along by this rope that tied you to the world, the one you built as a child and which seemed perfect.

But you decide not to stop dreaming

It decides not to look to those responsible for the past to accept its own responsibility for the future. You decide that when you are blind from looking at the sun of injustice, it is very likely that you will not find the path that leads to the shade that will give you shelter while you search for your place in the world.


You decide that you will rise again like a phoenix bird, rising from its ashes and flying with its head held high over the sea of ​​indecision into which it plunged when it lost its innocence, when it ceased to be a child who read stories to become the protagonist of its history itself.

So you decide to take the helm of your boat even if it’s against the current. Even though the waves of others splash with the reproaches that reflect their own frustrations. Because you learned that you are invincible if you really fight for what you want.

And even if somewhere the clock keeps ticking unfavorably because you haven’t found your place in the world yet, you know that everything worthwhile in this life is always hard to find and much harder to get.

Plus, now you know how to answer an important question: is life crap? Yes, but now I have learned and now I play with advantage. The advantage of those who struggle, dream and persist, those who do not surrender, those who truly live with passion every uncertain step they take forward, those who, even in fear, continue. Because that’s what life is, just that.

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