Jay Haley And Strategic Therapy

Jay Haley And Strategic Therapy

In Jay Haley’s strategic therapy the therapist has a great deal of initiative and needs to identify a number of fundamental aspects. It moves from identifying solvable problems to planning interventions, setting goals, providing feedback and evaluating. Jay Haley intended to go beyond what the moment might dictate and not …

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4 Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

4 Exercises To Prevent Scoliosis

There are exercises to prevent scoliosis that can be combined with braces or surgery. In this article, we are going to suggest some of the exercises for prevention. If done well, you can realign your spine, rib cage, shoulders, and pelvis to achieve a normal posture. However, you will need …

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If You Want Something, Let It Fly!

If You Want Something, Let It Fly!

If you want to catch a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will slip out of your hands; on the other hand, if you let it go, it can land naturally on your shoulder. If we apply this famous phrase to real life, we could compare it …

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The Car Accident That Changed Our Lives

The Car Accident That Changed Our Lives

“This won’t happen to me”, “I drive well, it doesn’t have to happen”, “It’s okay to look at the cell phone for a second”, “I have control”… Let’s think about it: what if we are wrong? What is the price of overconfidence? Are we willing to pay this price? Are …

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The Need To Be With You Suffocates Me

The Need To Be With You Suffocates Me

You lived a terrible childhood. Unlike other children, he was forced to grow up in a very unstable family environment. His parents didn’t stop arguing, they made him share their problems.  They just used it… “good night” kisses were a must, but never because you wanted to. The same was …

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Close Doors To Advance

Close Doors To Advance

Closing doors becomes essential when the present does not advance. Stagnation often comes from holding on to a past that is still open in our hearts. Closing doors is like cleaning out a closet full of clothes that we will no longer use and for which we will give no …

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The Most Unknown Mental Illnesses

The Most Unknown Mental Illnesses

As much as we think that mental illnesses are something “new” that emerged thanks to recent research or that did not exist before, it is proven that, already in ancient times, many people suffered from psychological imbalances.  Here we will talk about some of them. Thanks to literature, for example, …

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