People Are “a Gift”

People Are “a Gift”

We are “a gift”. A gift, that’s right. Because our eyes have a life of their own and a light that snakes out to the sound of our own emotions. We are products of neurochemical constellations that open up pathways in our minds, our bodies, and ultimately the existence of others.

We cannot disconnect our attitudes from their influence on the surroundings, and that is why we get involved in electricity, in charged batteries willing to have experiences. Experiences that, in their magnificence, reflect the manifest of faith that nature reports when we are born, when we grow up, and when fate puts an end to our lives.

wind skating

It turns out that, in fact, everyone has setbacks in life. The more numerous they are, the more we learn and mature. Not only that, we say that when we learn the lesson the pain disappears, even if the scars remain on the body and soul.

That’s why the most beautiful people are those for whom it was not easy to walk the paths of their history. It is not about having conquered evil and pain, it is that they know that what we refuse to face cannot be cured.

“People are a gift. Some are beautifully wrapped; at first glance they are attractive. Others are wrapped in very plain paper. Some are spoiled in the mail. It is possible that they have a special distribution.

But the packaging is not the gift. Sometimes the gift is difficult to open, and help is needed. Maybe because it’s scary? Maybe because it hurts? Maybe because it’s already been opened and despised…?

I am a gift and, first of all, a gift to myself. Have I looked inside myself? Am I afraid to do this? Maybe I never accepted the gift that I am. It’s possible that inside me there is something different from what I imagine. Maybe I never knew what a wonderful gift I am”.


As gifts that we are, we offer beautiful feelings to others every day, we marvel with words the reflection of their eyes and we give meaning to every little interaction we have with the world. That’s why it’s so important for us to spy on the world with the firm conviction that we are a gift.

We have to add and gladly absorb the contributions of others. This is the real wealth, the value that we are all present with many destinations. Gifts of love, gifts of friendship, gifts from family, gifts of profession, gifts of everything imaginable and imaginable.

But beware, because our packaging guards, suspiciously, an interior world that is nothing more than an apparatus of growth and intimacy. Perhaps the social power of our packaging prevents us from owning our inner apparatus. That’s when, with more force, we need to try to shout to ourselves something that builds us up, for example: “I am a gift. For me and for others”.


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