People Who Think They Are Very Important Rarely Make It To The Top

People Who Think They Are Very Important Rarely Make It To The Top

When we talk about reaching the top, we are not referring to the fact that you stand out due to superficial characteristics, such as being physically attractive or having professional success. Reaching the top involves much more than that: it’s feeling a deep and authentic well-being. It’s about being happy and enjoying life.

The concept of giving importance to ourselves depends on unconditional acceptance. When we let go of our ego and see ourselves as we really are, we forget the pressures of trying to pretend what we are not or appearing to be an exceptional person.

In fact, the people we most value are those who are authentic, who accept and are sure of who they are. They are always trying to improve, but they don’t tell themselves that they must follow a pattern imposed by society, because they don’t believe it is positive. When we show ourselves exactly as we are to the world, we lower our ego and accept ourselves. This is the “getting to the top” we’re talking about in this article.

Reaching the top doesn’t depend on the outside world.

When we value people for what they have or what they have achieved, we are making a mistake. We make an even bigger mistake when we value ourselves in terms of what we have rather than based on certain characteristics. If we don’t accept the way we are, we’re bound to suffer.

woman flying blindfolded

External things cannot add value to a person. Just like a fruit bowl that, even though it contains some fruit with imperfections, still has the same value, we cannot base our value on any specific behavior or aspect.

Even if you believe there are bad people, you are wrong. What do exist are wrong or sick people who have not yet learned to act otherwise. If you reflect a little more, you will see that inside these people there is a child who only wants to live, run, laugh and be happy.

Therefore, since every human being has this valuable ability to love, we are all equal regardless of race, gender, intelligence or money.

Visualize yourself unimportant

To let go of the pressures that come when we believe we ought to be a certain way or possess certain things, we need to begin to visualize ourselves devoid of everything that is supposed to value us. These aspects are just layers that cover your body, but disappear with your nudity.

For example, if I believe that a good physique determines whether someone is more or less important, I need to imagine my life without that physique. It is necessary to visualize myself as someone unattractive, but extremely happy, because physical appearance will not be necessary to enjoy life.

As with the physique, we can do the same with many other external traits, such as intelligence or success. If we are able to see ourselves as less intelligent, yet successful and happy beings, we will be able to be a little more independent of these cloaks we wear, and less strict with those imperfect forms that are present in any body and in any soul.

woman meditating

That way we will be happy no matter what we have. We will be at peace with ourselves and with our environment, because we will not be forced to create a certain image in order for us to be accepted. Paradoxically, others will accept us in a more real way.

Therefore, the key to well-being is to take away our importance and know how to tell ourselves that, although it may seem contradictory, we are valuable and also unimportant beings, genius but expendable. This creates a lot of tranquility and peace of mind: we don’t have to prove anything, we just love ourselves for who we are.

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