People Without Free Time: The Fear Of Quitting

People Without Free Time: The Fear Of Quitting

There are people who are allergic to rest. In them, the simple fact of doing nothing and limiting yourself to just being and being generates anxiety. What is this due to? What is behind these behaviors?

There are people without free time of their own volition, who avoid having moments of leisure and disconnection. As surprising as it may seem, this type of profile exists and they are not isolated cases. There are those who are afraid to stop, those who feel uncomfortable in moments of inactivity when nothing is required but to be and be, to be yourself and to let time pass with calm and harmony.

There will be those who say that everything is a question of personality. Of course, there are many who, due to their active and proactive character, always have the need to keep moving , inventing, creating, planning… Now, there is another sphere that is a little more problematic and that needs to be considered.

There are those who cannot conceive of a moment of inactivity. Because this stillness, this permissiveness to “do nothing”, gives way to a reencounter with oneself. And sometimes this inner reality is not appreciated and feels uncomfortable. On the other hand, having a fixed routine full of tasks and activities acts as an escape valve and also a way to forget.

Let’s dive a little deeper into this subject.

people without free time

People without free time: when doing nothing causes anxiety

In recent years, phrases like “ I don’t have time for anything” have become more and more common . We somehow got used to filling our days with lists of tasks and obligations. We even assume that having things to do gives us a certain status.

Being busy and preoccupied is normal, it’s what “should do”. That lazy person, who does nothing, who slows down and has free time, is seen with surprise in our society.

However, let’s be clear, the problem is not with those who choose to do nothing for a few hours of the day and decide to rest in a healthy way. Far from attributing epithets such as “lazy” or “irresponsible”, in fact, those who provide leisure are giving themselves quality of life. On the other hand,  those obsessed with “I have it and I must do it” are those who sometimes experience problematic realities.

When doing nothing leads to anxiety

The expression “doing nothing” is often somewhat controversial. Sometimes it can be the clear result of neglecting our duties, not fulfilling what is expected of us. Now, when we use that phrase in the context of leisure time, doing nothing  actually translates as necessary, healthy, and even productive.

  • Reading, walking, resting, having good conversations, enjoying the landscape and the here and now are actions full of meaning. However, there are many people for whom these activities generate great anxiety.
  • People without free time, those who always have something to do, do  n’t really know what it’s like to relax.
  • Just sitting down and knowing that you have nothing to do, that you are under no obligation to do anything, creates anxiety.
  • They not only feel unproductive, but they also have the feeling that they are doing something wrong, that they are failing in something or with someone.
  • On the other hand, something remarkable can also happen. Leisure time is also an invitation to reconnect. This is something essential that we must practice every day. However, there are many who are not comfortable doing this.

Sometimes this personal universe hides facts that need our attention. It is useless to hide at work because the discomfort will remain there.

Fast-paced world; fast-paced minds without the ability to enjoy leisure

Sometimes we fall into a lifestyle where being busy (whatever it is) is normal. With this, we not only normalize the inability to enjoy leisure time, but also lay the foundations for anxiety states.

  • There are people who look for a thousand occupations even on vacation. By doing this, these people feel competent and even productive again. In this way, they also see that they fit into the mold of this demanding society that it wants us to occupy ourselves (and also to worry about).
  • These situations start the racing mind’s engine, unable to relax, allergic to inner silence, and unable to appreciate the present. Because  for anxiety, only pending tasks and tomorrow’s pressure count.
teddy bear on pillow

People without free time unable to understand that leisure is synonymous with health

People without free time do not stop. But be careful: working hard is not synonymous with more productivity. They are no longer bright or happy to spend more time in an occupation. Furthermore, a busy life without time for leisure leads to discomfort and mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, etc.

Leisure is also health, and doing nothing at some point in the day can be extremely beneficial. We don’t have to wait for the holidays to allow ourselves these moments of calm and inactivity. Giving ourselves two or three hours of tranquility and silence reduces stress,  increases creativity, and promotes good mental health.

So it’s time to change our mindset: always doing something can also be counterproductive. Life can only be savored when we provide ourselves with quality time, and this often happens through leisure, tranquility, and even the art of doing nothing.

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