Seek Inspiration Within Your Heart

Seek Inspiration Within Your Heart

Everyone needs a motivation to move forward in life. If there is a lack of key factors that help keep us focused on the goals and objectives of the future, it is difficult to find the right path that will lead us to success and happiness. Especially if on this day the motivation is not on your side.

Along the way, people can face many challenges, ups and downs, failures and difficult moments that make us feel that the strengths leave us and that the motivation and strength to move forward begins to fade.

The amount of stress we experience in this society,  the emotional backpack we carry or the setbacks can make us stray from our emotional well-being … but all of this is, at the same time, an indispensable part of our journey. Remember that both positive and negative circumstances make us who we are today.

woman looking at the horizon

It is in these difficult times, when we lack inspiration, that we join forces to save ourselves. However, as Picasso would say, inspiration evaporates as soon as it reaches us, but it has to find us working. It’s the only way to seduce her and make her stay by our side.

Look inside to find what you want

In order to know which path you want to follow, you should not let others mark the path of your life. Once you’ve gathered all the information from the outside that you think is necessary, you should be able to look inside yourself to find out what your passions are. Passion is the perfect companion to inspiration; chase it until you find it and grab it without hesitation.

To get that much-needed inspiration that spurs your motivation, you just have to sit down and make a list of your passions. It’s important to be honest with yourself, because as you write, you’ll realize how far you want to go.

Once you have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve, don’t set limits and remember that if you really want to achieve something, you will only have to look for the necessary means to achieve it. With enough motivation and inspiration, fulfilling your dreams won’t be a problem for you.

Knowing your passions and being faithful to them is one of the best ways to survive the toughest stages. Even when you think it’s too dark, you can see the light echo on the horizon.

Think about your actions to improve today

Think about this idea. Fear is a reactive emotion : it appears when faced with a stimulus, whether real or imagined. Faced with this reaction, we have the possibility of performing a consecutive action that brings us back into balance. If the threat is a crocodile, running away is probably not going to save our lives; but if it’s a job interview, it’s not running away or starting a fight that will help us win the job.

Faced with the fear generated by situations such as the interview, our subsequent action is very important. The one that calms us down, calms us down, lowers our heart rate and puts us at the best starting point. That prevents us from leaving the waiting room, that we forget to close the door when entering, that eliminates the trembling of our hands when we lift it, and that makes it easier for us to sit comfortably and relaxed.

When you focus on actions that block negative emotions, you will notice how much your degree of control increases and how, little by little, you will become more yourself in situations that you previously interpreted as potentially threatening.

Don’t forget that your dreams and memories are your guides.

dream Catcher

One of the best ways to find inspiration and personal satisfaction is to pay attention to your dreams. Think about what you dream each night and what you want to achieve. Give importance to your memories and talk about them all so that, gradually, you will be able to take the first step until you get to where you really need to be.

Within your heart is the key to happiness; this key will open the inspiration box  where all your passions are: release them. Do not allow outside factors or other people who are not in your place to tell you what to do or how to do it. It’s your challenge, your responsibility, and nobody else’s.

By: Maria Jose Roldan.

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