Social Intelligence, Learn To Connect With Others

Social Intelligence, Learn To Connect With Others

As we talked about Physical Intelligence before, today we will talk about Social Intelligence. Remember that there are many types of intelligences. The exercise proposed in this article will provide great benefits, which will help you achieve everything you want.

what is social intelligence

When we talk about intelligence, we are referring to the capacity we have to relate knowledge and use it to solve a concrete situation. If we analyze the etymology of the word intelligence, we will see that its origin is in Latin and that its translation is Inteligere, a word composed of intus (between) and legere (choose)… Thus, etymologically speaking, we arrive at the same meaning: choose between two things, relate two or more concepts.

However, the meaning of the word intelligence is just an introduction so that we can talk about the more social area of ​​it. It’s just that, when I talk about social intelligence, I’m referring to the capacity that all human beings have to understand, treat and relate to the people around them. This type of intelligence is the one that, if exercised correctly, will help to improve the quality of your personal relationships, increase your professional success, stabilize and make your romantic relationships more lasting… In short, it is the type of intelligence that will make you relate more successfully and get a minimum level of rejection.

Training this intelligence is simple, just take into account some factors with the ones we will present below:

* EMPATHY: Exercise it daily, put it to the test whenever you can. If you are an empathetic person, it will be very natural and you won’t have to do much.  However, if you’re not a very empathetic person, don’t worry. Practice. Analyze your feelings whenever possible and force yourself to put yourself in the shoes of others. I propose something simple and methodical for you, something to do daily and increase your level of empathy: find a newspaper, extract the experience of others from it, and imagine how you would feel if you were in your shoes. I assure you that if you do this on a daily basis, your brain will eventually begin to do this naturally.

* LEADERSHIP Leadership is not just about leading others, or getting people to follow you; one must also work from personal leadership. My advice is simple: Make a list of things you want to accomplish throughout the week and stick to what was described in the list. Discipline and your capacity for self-control will speak to your level of personal leadership. If you can’t lead yourself, you can’t expect others to follow you either.

* ASSERTIVENESS : Apply your empathy to anything that seems violent and talk to others the way you would like them to talk to you. If you are able to treat others as you would like to be treated, then you can say that you are a completely assertive person. Otherwise, it will need to improve. I propose, then, that when you need to live in a controversial situation, always talk about the facts and not the people involved in the problem. This will help you to distance yourself emotionally and your words will have less impact.

* KNOW LISTEN AND PAY ATTENTION : There’s not much to talk about this topic, is there? We’re back to the same thing, do with others what you would like them to do with you. If you always decide to act this way, I can assure you that you will have no problems.

* KNOW HOW TO ANALYZE PEOPLE’S NON-VERBAL LANGUAGE Do you usually pay attention to the way people gesture or the body posture they adopt? If the answer is no: start now! The body gives a lot of information, and information is the power! Learn to interpret your body’s movements and posture; then understand what people are thinking and what they are feeling. If you show others that you are understanding them deeply, they will open up without any problem.

* KNOWING TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE AND READ THE INTERLINES WHEN THEY TALK:  Don’t just listen, listen! What they really think is hidden behind what they say. Pay attention to what they say, how they say, the relationship between what they say and how they say it… Learn to analyze conversations and you will develop a magnetism that will make others want to be with you.

* MANAGING PHYSICAL GOOD:  Be restrained, but also don’t be dry and distant. It costs nothing to greet with two little kisses, or to gently shake hands with those who greet. Physically distant people create an unconscious rejection.

* DRESS WELL AND ACCORDING TO EACH SITUATION:  a picture is worth a thousand words and, in the social sphere, a million more.  Project your best self through your image and express your feelings accordingly. You wouldn’t wear flip flops to work if you were a top executive, would you? Or, you wouldn’t go in a suit if you were a spinning teacher, right? No. Analyze well and make a good choice.

It may seem like it’s a lot to do at once, so start little by little and you’ll find that everything will go its own way. Keep in mind that while you’re working in a specific area of ​​social intelligence, you’re also driving change elsewhere. Remember that all the work you do will impact every area of ​​your life. Finally, and only if this topic seemed interesting to you, I recommend that you read the book: Social Intelligence , written by Daniel Goleman. Cheer and strength! You are capable!

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