Sympathy For Love To Last

Sympathy For Love To Last

Have you found that special someone and you don’t want them to disappear from your life for anything in this world? Did you make plans to share your old age, Golden Wedding, see your grandchildren grow up? Do all those romantic movies and songs, cute and passionate messages fit like a glove for you? Are you surprised at how compatible you are, how even fights seem to bring you closer together and how everything feels a little empty when the other is not there?

Congratulations! Chances are you’ve found the love of your life, and now, don’t let it go! Like? Easy easy! Follow the tips of this sympathy for love to last. It’s foolproof!

The incredible sympathy for love to last

• For seven days, whenever irritation, anger, jealousy (silly or with reason), insecurity, frustration, sticking, and anything negative comes up between you, put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Try to think about what she is thinking. Try to imagine how her mind works, her view of the world and of life. Do this for seven minutes.

After the seven days, continue the exercise for seven weeks, daily, always trying to see with the eyes and heart of the loved one.

That dating anniversary, forgotten wedding? Maybe she cares more about the person involved than the date. Did she come back to you at the end of the day? Well… Isn’t that more significant than the date itself?

sympathy for love

The flowers that never came, the stroke that was missing? Does she know how important this is to you? How about talking (calmly) about the things that are important to you?

• Then, for seven weeks, in addition to trying to think like the other person, let them get to know you better. Don’t charge or rub your manual in her face. Just let yourself know, introduce yourself, because unless your loved one is a privileged mind reader, there’s no way for them to know what’s going on inside you!

• After seven weeks, for the next seven months you will repeat the entire process and, no matter how many times you have repeated that your favorite dish is lasagna and its color is yellow, speak again and again and again, smile at your love and then kiss his hollow-headed, forgetful smile.

Find fun in what cannot be changed!

If you have passed the seven days, seven weeks and seven months, you are likely to enter the seven year phase.

Forget the nonsense that seventh grade is the hardest. The hardest day is the day, in any of the weeks, months or years, when you do not allow yourselves to respect each other and practice selfless love.

Being then in the seventh year, multiply those years by seven and with the result, continue exercising that empathy, with that special person with whom you made plans to share old age, Golden Wedding, see your grandchildren grow up and with whom the movies and songs (romantic or not), cute and passionate messages (or not) always fit like a glove, in the most varied contexts of history that I’m sure, they built together.

Light candles at dinner.
Order a pizza if the food gets awful.

Bathe in rose petals together.
Or just shower, in the tight box, wetting the whole bathroom.

Dirty brigadeiro in the kitchen.
Clean the kitchen together.

Fight out of jealousy.
Understand each other’s jealousy.

Plan for the future.
Discuss the difference of opinion.

Give in a little from here while the other gives in a little from there.

Look… Sympathy for love to last I don’t know how to do it, no gentlemen. But I am very adept at empathy and, suspicious that they are related (given the similarity of the surname), I believe that practicing both with faith, there is a great chance that your love will last… Seven times seven!

If all the sympathies you learn don’t work, trust, empathy won’t fail, ever!

Good luck!

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