Teach How A Child Should Manage Emotion

Teach How A Child Should Manage Emotion

Get to know some tips to enhance your child’s psychological health, practice some of them and be happier.

Ideally, from childhood, there was a job in schools for children to learn to manage emotion, but unfortunately, it is only after adults become anxious and irritable that you see how important it is to take care of mental health .

Start now with your child, teach him to manage emotion so that in adulthood he does not suffer physical and mental problems. These are small teachings that will make all the difference in your life.

Kindness is contagious, from childhood on, encourage him to be altruistic

Make him realize the other’s need, feel the other’s pain and be ready to help. Kindness is contagious, and they are small acts that will make this child a better adult.

Actions such as helping a friend with schoolwork, helping a colleague when he is in pain, keeping company so he doesn’t leave his friend alone when he’s waiting to pick up a ride… in short, any and all help, whether big or small, will awaken the need for help to be happy.

Setting limits is necessary, otherwise life outside will teach you with pain. Faced with the various tasks performed during the day, the excess of information and the competition in the game of life, children need to be managed from an early age.

But how? Yes too much will have consequences in adulthood; they will be alienated, agitated and relapsed. Teach him to manage his own tasks, tidy his little room, organize his clothes, set goals such as: planning study hours, set a goal for him when he wants to buy a toy, teach him how to save money, this will prevent him from transforming in a consuming adult, an adult who gets stressed about goals.

encourage child responsibility

The art of thinking, the fuel of survival

Thinking before acting, being self-critical, will prevent him from taking the path of self-destruction. You cannot decide everything for the child;  show him the two paths to that particular place, with the pros and cons of each, and with a joint reflection he will feel the healthy fear of the hardest path, thus becoming a more reflective adult.

Being resilient is a skill hard to find these days in both children and adults. Pains and defeats must be managed because we can never avoid them.

The boy plays handball, and has lost the match for three games. Sadly, he tells his father that he will no longer practice the sport. The father, in turn, must encourage him to continue, the training will improve his physical condition and knowledge of the rules, he will obtain more skill, and it is necessary to emphasize that he must reach the outlined goal. Those who give up easily do not reach the dream place and still get mentally ill.

According to the banking pedagogy entitled by Paulo Freire, the teacher teaches and the student learns, without having the right to disagree with the above, thus generating alienated young people, who have difficulty expressing ideas, who are shy.

If the school does not play its role, it is still stuck in traditional education, start at home to stimulate the art of thinking, stimulate the debate of ideas, create opportunities for dialogue to discuss a certain subject, do not give ready-made answers, sharpen it.

Educate your child to be passionate about life, to be charismatic, pleasant and inspiring. Happiness is not full and problems will always exist. Instead of mumbling, living bored, teach that during existence there will be mishaps, but use your creativity, always looking for new things.

Simple examples inside the home will teach the child to be charismatic: a kiss, a hug, an I love you, a smile, a compliment, a word of comfort, an apology will be excellent behaviors for your child to copy.

Remember: parents are mirrors for the child. Creativity is not a gift, it is training, it is letting your thoughts flow. It’s creating opportunities. Parents, don’t stifle your children’s creative thinking, don’t be a dialectical rulebook. Don’t be afraid to think differently. Exercise. daily the imaginary. A good time to release children’s imaginations is in drawing and reading stories, and asking him to tell his own story.

stimulate the child's creativity

With some of these steps above you will be able to manage your “I”. Children should be taught not only to criticize negative thoughts, but also their fears, “imaginary monsters”.

Discover the greatness of managing your psyche and have the pleasure of living. Pleasure is the engine of motivation, good humor, the construction of dreams, the driving force of love, it is a source of relaxation. Therefore, recover your human essence and educate your child to have a healthy mental health in the face of an uncertain future.

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