The Best Age Is When We Stop Counting Years And Fulfill Dreams

The Best Age Is When We Stop Counting Years And Fulfill Dreams

They say that the years go by like smoke that escapes through an open window, drawing shapes in the air until, little by little, they disappear. Nevertheless, people are not like smoke, nor even like the wind; we are breath, we are sighs, we are life lived and dreams to reach each day.

What do you believe is the best age for human beings? In reality, there is no exact year that symbolizes perfect balance, because what youth does not know, maturity warns, and what maturity sometimes yearns for is to possess that youthful immaturity.

On some occasions we arm ourselves with a thousand excuses, with the stones in our shoes that prevent us from moving forward along the path we dreamed of: “It’s just that now is not the time, it’s just that my (my) partner doesn’t like it, it’s just that it’s likely that they despise me, it’s just that something tells me that even if I want it too much it won’t work…”

We are sometimes skilled craftsmen at cutting our own wings. Limiting thoughts, prejudices and insecurities are, in some cases, the authentic “free radicals” capable of aging us from within, of making us older than we really are.

Accumulating youth is an art that we should all start practicing, provided we have the use of reason. Because the authentic purpose of this life is to know how to live it with the maximum intensity, dream and passion, trying to reach each one of our goals. And you, what are you doing about it?

The best age is in your heart

best age woman with stars

The best age is when we feel good about who we are, what we have, and how long it takes to get there. For those who do not have dreams are the living dead, those who do not have illusions do not offer magic to their hearts nor light for their thoughts.

Now say… How old is your heart? If you are full of projects and still pumping hard, happy to have achieved a small part of your desires, then make sure you are at your best age, and that no one dares to say otherwise.

However, keep in mind that it is not always easy to achieve these things called “personal dreams”. There are those who like to laugh at them and say that they are not dreams, they are fantasies, and that these fantasies are children’s things. However, keep your ears closed to these words.

Only children know the authentic value of life, as their eyes are full of curiosity, innocence and willingness to experiment. Barriers appear with maturation, and many of these aspects must be taken into account:

  • The influence of others. Sometimes it can be our family members or our partners. Close and significant people who take care of taking away our illusions, cutting the threads of our desires… And we allow them.
  • Limited thoughts. These that we ourselves create in our minds: I’m not capable, I’m not good for this, I’m going to go wrong, and also that phrase that “now is not the time, better when I get the other…” However, this day will never he arrives.
  • Insecurity: What if I get it wrong? Clearly, on occasion, achieving one of our dreams will mean stepping out of our comfort zone. However, always remember, true dreams are written beyond that limit… It’s worth going beyond!
couple on bicycle enjoying their best age

Instructions for getting radiant at the best age

Don’t be afraid to turn years old, what should cause us real anxiety is not having achieved any of our dreams,  because in the end, we are full of this material so magical, fragile, but motivating.

woman on the beach at her best age

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