The Gray People Are Turning Off The Lights Of The Others

The Gray People Are Turning Off The Lights Of The Others

Negative people often try to turn off the light of others (directly or indirectly). Therefore, knowing how to identify these influences is very important. Check out some recommendations for how to act in this type of situation.

Gray people discourage the dreams of others. They judge, humiliate, lie, want to make you complex for what you are. They go through life always with the intention of subtracting, not adding. They say offensive phrases without giving a damn how you might feel.

Gray people are turning off other people’s lights, and one of them could be yours. The reasons? They are not clear. There are people who, instead of turning their pain into healing for themselves, have chosen to discourage others so that their world is more in sync with who they are. Because you cannot see their brightness or darkness, you can only notice the detrimental effect they have on you.

There are many ways to undo another person: devaluing everything they do, ridiculing their dreams by advising whenever they throw in the towel, and thus leaving behind emotional corpses that tune in to their “bad energy.”

child behind a sheet

The world is full of noble and wonderful people who vibrate with life even after having suffered its blows. They refuse to become something they are not. However, unfortunately, a person with their own light may encounter many of these people on the road and may end up going out.

Perhaps, when they fade, they become resentful people who repeat the behaviors that once caused them to completely fall apart. It’s a chain of negativity we must avoid.

If your light shines brightly, gray people may want to turn it off

What are people with light like? Many of us would say that they are those people who “awaken smiles”, moderate but committed to the problems that surround them. They have no desire to occupy the spotlight, but end up being in the most intimate corners of many souls who seek them out for their empathy and character. People with light transmit peace.

But most of all, people with light do not carry a backpack of reproaches, judgments, offensive or humiliating comments on their backs. People with light have dreams, they adapt to their environment without letting social conventions overwhelm them, and most importantly, they don’t want to end their lives with unfulfilled dreams, but with experiences to remember.

If they see that someone else is also fighting for the same thing, they don’t compete or envy, they will simply choose them as their traveling companion. People with light encourage and support others because they rejoice in their joys.

Your best weapons to conserve your light

To prevent your light from going out when difficulties arise or a gray person trying to turn it off at some point in your life, you can apply some strategies that will protect you:

  • Ignore: don’t confront, don’t try to prove anything. If you hear comments intended to discourage you, don’t waste energy convincing them they’re wrong. You need this energy for your journey.
  • Surround yourself with people with the same values: You may meet very different people throughout your life, but if you meet someone with the same values, the path will not be so difficult.
  • Stay away from drama: Stay away from people who encourage drama, even with the small vicissitudes of your life. Don’t let the stigma that others promote take hold of you and what you do.
  • Practice humor: gray people do not tolerate humor, as everything is a sign of danger and negativity to them. So, refuse not to practice smiles. What humor has united society does not separate.
  • Believe that your ideas are worth it: if a person doesn’t fight for their ideas, either they are worthless or the person is worthless. So if you think your ideas are worthwhile because they will allow you to live more freely and joyfully, don’t doubt them.
  • Don’t measure success by money, fame or stability: in this life there are no answers, only stories. Make yours meaningful to you without judging yourself by defined parameters.
  • If someone judges your steps, borrow your shoes : don’t forget that there will always be people willing to judge how badly you have conducted your life, without caring in the slightest about the circumstances you have had to face. But these people are nothing in your life, and if they are… why do you keep allowing them to do that?
  • Trust your charm: trust your charm and your way of doing things, but with humility and without starting to believe that you have nothing more to learn.
woman with light bulb on

What to do if you feel your light has gone out?

Fortunately, in this life we ​​are not just what happens to us or what we think we are. Personality is built throughout life. It is true that some experiences change us, but only as a transforming change, not as something immutable and fixed.

If you’ve lost your expectations of everything and some people you’ve met have done you more harm than you ever imagined, you have a right to feel awkward and sad for a while. However, if you let go of your dreams, it will be difficult to find meaning in your existence again.

It would be great to try again. Don’t let them steal your dreams again, your way of savoring life in your unique way. Don’t give these gray people the pleasure of losing their sense of existence. They’ve already ruined theirs and it would be nice if you asked yourself: Do you want to be one of them?

Image courtesy of Christian Schloe

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