The Ideal Partner According To Your Personality

The Ideal Partner According To Your Personality

We know that there are many people who are emotionally disillusioned and/or disillusioned. Who simply don’t want to start new relationships because of the past that they fear might be repeated, because of an old story that didn’t work out. Passion makes us vulnerable, and without a doubt we are more vulnerable to disappointments, failures and disappointments when we love… But then, is it better to stop feeling in order not to suffer?

Of course not. Feeling makes us experience life with greater intensity, and love is something that pays off at any age. But yes, with balance and maturity, always taking care of our self-esteem. But how do we get it? Is there a magic formula that allows us to find the perfect person who fits us best? The person who makes life simple and intense all at once, and with whom can we build something together?

There are no magic formulas in love. Nor advice that can help everyone equally. Each of us has our own experience and we draw our own conclusions about what suits us and what doesn’t.

However, we cannot ignore what experts in the field say. Anthropologists and biologists like the famous Helen Fisher say that personality is very important when finding the most suitable partner.

This same author is the one who announces an interesting theory based on 4 personality dimensions, on which the support of the best compatibilities would be built.

Want to know what they are? Want to know which ones you can identify with?

1. Explorer Personality with Explorer Personality

The first suitable combination of partners is one formed by two profiles with equal features. Traits Helen Fisher calls explorers. But what is an explorer really? We’re sure you’ll be able to recognize these people right away.

  • People who are looking to experiment, who love risk and who are looking for emotions.
  • They are not usually particularly interested in committing themselves, preferring relationships without excessive commitments or obligations.
  • They are very spontaneous people, full of energy and exuberant.
  • Very optimistic, often too much.
  • They like to be the center of attention.

As you can see, the only way anyone can be happy with this personality type is precisely with someone who shares their interests. If you, for example, are looking for stability and commitment, it is better not to start a relationship with someone who has that kind of profile. You could end up suffering a lot.

2- Building personality with building personality

Once again we see the combination of partners with similar personalities. What is a “builder” character like?

  • People guided by tradition, security and loyalty.
  • They move away from spontaneity or the search for emotions. Prefer the routine, where there is no surprise.
  • They exalt the value of family, commitment and union with what is yours.
  • Quiet people who avoid taking risks. They defend traditions, order and daily life where everything runs in order. Above all, they value “building” a family project.

If, for example, we are not sure whether or not we want to have children, it is likely that we “don’t fit” very well into this profile. It will also not be easy to live with them if you do not love the routine, this security where the spontaneous is not well accepted.

3 – Directive personality with negotiator personality

In this case we already see the union of two different characteristics, two personalities that, although distinct at first glance, seem to fit together very well.

Negotiator personality:

  • Very intuitive people.
  • They are both sensitive and observant, those people who can read between the lines and who have a lot of empathy.
  • They know how to interpret emotions because they/they are also emotional.
  • They seek to be attended to, understood and understood.
  • They are very dreamy people and full of imagination.

Directive personality:

  • Profiles that use a lot of logic and objectivity.
  • They are usually quite sure of themselves, perfectionists and directives.
  • They are very analytical as well as practical.
  • They are usually sincere, those people who speak openly and without fear of telling the truth.
  • They are a little demanding.

As you can see, the combination of these personalities seems to fit together like a curious puzzle, complementing each other: objectivity with intuition, reasoning with sensitivity. Common personalities and that, according to Helen Fisher, tend to build stable and happy couples.

It is possible that you do not identify with any of these profiles, or on the contrary, you believe that this theory makes perfect sense. In any case, it can be useful to make us think, to demonstrate that each person’s personality is always important for a healthy relationship. But to be the best of the “teams”, it is important to never lose sight of the pillars of understanding, respect, communication and a common project.

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