The Role Of Social Services In The Fight Against Poverty

The Role Of Social Services In The Fight Against Poverty

Do you know how social services work in situations of poverty? We are talking about an issue that is relevant to a society in which there is more and more inequality.

The great economic crisis of 2008 experienced around the world further increased inequality in society. Thousands of people have suffered its impact, leaving many families in a situation of social exclusion. This phenomenon was accentuated, above all, in the most vulnerable surroundings; the consequence was that the demand for social services in the fight against poverty increased significantly.

Poverty is generally related to low income levels. However, there is no universal or absolute criterion, but a relative criterion, referring to the moment in which the measurement is carried out and the average level of income in a given territorial area (Del Barrio, 2014).

We must first understand that the concept of poverty is multidimensional. There is no single approach nor does it affect just one area. So we want to dig a little deeper and differentiate some important terms.

poverty and social exclusion

poverty and social exclusion

Poverty, as we said earlier, does not have a single definition or just a classification. This phenomenon, therefore, can be measured in different ways (Del Barrio, 2014):

  • According to the type of base information used to measure it: objective or subjective.
  • Taking into account the reference used to establish the poverty thresholds : absolute or relative.
  • According to the time period object of study : cross-sectional (in a fixed year) or long-term/persistent.
  • For analyzes based on the impossibility of accessing basic consumption : multidimensional deprivation.

For the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), poverty means the denial of options and opportunities to live a tolerable life.

This program uses the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) as a reference . This index is designed to reflect the deprivations that people experience simultaneously, and includes both the incidence of these multidimensional deprivations and their intensity.

The same goes for the term social exclusion. It affects individuals, people and geographic areas. Therefore, it can be seen not only in terms of income, but also linked to issues such as health, education, access to services, housing and debt.

Thus, the phenomena that derive from social exclusion include (Spicker, Álvares and Gordon, 2009):

  • Increase in the number of homeless people.
  • Urban crises.
  • Ethnic tensions.
  • Increased long-term unemployment.
  • Persistent high levels of poverty.

The role of social services in the fight against poverty

There is no doubt that  social services are a  fundamental pillar of the social assistance system. Professionals who work every day to give people good attention study each case. That’s why they propose work guidelines adapted to each situation.

Although within social services there are different types of assistance to improve or alleviate the demands raised, this is not about correcting the problem.

Therefore, it is advisable to leave aside paternalism and start working with the person so that he/she develops capacities that allow him to deal with both the current problem and those that arise over time.

In the field of social services, we must try to educate people so that they do not fall into an ongoing and chronic situation.

Social services and their role in the fight against poverty

In general, you need to meet a number of requirements to qualify for the different types of benefits available. These benefits can target:

  • Mortgage or rent payments.
  • Food aid.
  • Expenses with electricity, water…
  • Bill payment.
  • Non-contributory pensions.
  • Job search.
  • Formation.
  • Organization and planning of family resources.

So while money can be a big help, must prevail the work with the beneficiaries themselves. For this reason, developing individual projects for care or insertion, in which achievable goals are sought, may be the best long-term solution.

In this sense, let us remember the need to make people free and autonomous, able to manage their own lives and provide a solution to problems.

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